
Alan W. Biermann

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37EEHilda Hardy, Alan W. Biermann, R. Bryce Inouye, Ashley McKenzie, Tomek Strzalkowski, Cristian Ursu, Nick Webb, Min Wu: The Amities system: Data-driven techniques for automated dialogue. Speech Communication 48(3-4): 354-373 (2006)
36EEAlan W. Biermann, R. Bryce Inouye, Ashley McKenzie: Methodologies for Automated Telephone Answering. ISMIS 2005: 1-13
35EEHilda Hardy, Tomek Strzalkowski, Min Wu, Cristian Ursu, Nick Webb, Alan W. Biermann, R. Bryce Inouye, Ashley McKenzie: Data-Driven Strategies for an Automated Dialogue System. ACL 2004: 71-78
34EENaoki Abe, Alan W. Biermann, Philip M. Long: Reinforcement Learning with Immediate Rewards and Linear Hypotheses. Algorithmica 37(4): 263-293 (2003)
33 Alan W. Biermann, R. Bryce Inouye: The Coming Voice Dialogue Machines. JCIS 2002: 7-9
32EEMichael S. Fulkerson, Alan W. Biermann: Javox: A Toolkit for Building Speech-Enabled Applications. ANLP 2000: 105-111
31 Joyce Yue Chai, Alan W. Biermann, Curry I. Guinn: Two Dimensional Generalization in Information Extraction. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 431-438
30 Joyce Yue Chai, Alan W. Biermann: The Use of Word Sense Disambiguation in an Information Extraction System. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 850-855
29 Amit Bagga, Joyce Yue Chai, Alan W. Biermann: The Role of WordNet in The Creation of a Trainable Message Understanding System. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 941-948
28 Alan W. Biermann, Curry I. Guinn, Michael S. Fulkerson, Greg A. Keim, Zheng Liang, Douglas M. Melamed, Krishnan Rajagopalan: Goal-Oriented Multimedia Dialogue with Variable Initiative. ISMIS 1997: 1-16
27 Joyce Yue Chai, Alan W. Biermann: A WordNet Based Rule Generalization Engine for Meaning Extraction System. ISMIS 1997: 529-539
26EEChristopher Connelly, Alan W. Biermann, David Pennock, Peter Wu: Home-study software: flexible, interactive, and distributed software for independent study. SIGCSE 1996: 63-67
25EEAmit Bagga, Joyce Yue Chai, Alan W. Biermann, Curry I. Guinn, Alan Hui: A trainable system for the extraction of meaning from text. CASCON 1995: 3
24 Ronnie W. Smith, D. Richard Hipp, Alan W. Biermann: An Architecture for Voice Dialog Systems Based on Prolog-Style Theorem Proving. Computational Linguistics 21(3): 281-320 (1995)
23EEAlan W. Biermann, Amr F. Fahmy, Curry I. Guinn, David Pennock, Dietolf Ramm, Peter Wu: Teaching a hierarchical model of computation with animation software in the first course. SIGCSE 1994: 295-299
22 Alan W. Biermann: Computer Science for the Many. IEEE Computer 27(2): 62-73 (1994)
21 Amr F. Fahmy, Alan W. Biermann: Synthesis of Real Time Acceptors. J. Symb. Comput. 15(5/6): 807-842 (1993)
20EERonnie W. Smith, D. Richard Hipp, Alan W. Biermann: A Dialog Control Algorithm and Its Performance. ANLP 1992: 9-16
19 Alan W. Biermann, Linda Fineman, J. Francis Heidlage: A Voice- and Touch-Driven Natural Language Editor and its Performance. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 37(1): 1-21 (1992)
18 Alan W. Biermann, Ronnie W. Smith: An Architecture for Pragmatic Voice Interactive Systems. ISMIS 1991: 1-15
17EEAlan W. Biermann: An overview course in academic computer science: a new approach for teaching nonmajors. SIGCSE 1990: 236-239
16 Alan W. Biermann: Fundamental Mechanisms in Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Part 2. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence 1987: 125-145
15 Pamela E. Fink, Alan W. Biermann: The Correction of Ill-Formed Input Using History-Based Expectation with Applications to Speech Understanding. Computational Linguistics 12(1): 13-36 (1986)
14 Alan W. Biermann: Fundamental Mechanisms in Machine Learning and Inductive Inference. Advanced Course: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence 1985: 133-169
13 Alan W. Biermann: Algorithmic Methods in Automatic Programming. European Conference on Computer Algebra (1) 1985: 124-135
12EEAlan W. Biermann, Linda Fineman, Kermit C. Gilbert: An Imperative Sentence Processor for Voice Interactive Office Applications. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 3(4): 321-346 (1985)
11 Alan W. Biermann, Robert D. Rodman, David C. Rubin, J. Francis Heidlage: Natural Language with Discrete Speech as a Mode for Human-to-Machine Communication. Commun. ACM 28(6): 628-636 (1985)
10 Alan W. Biermann: Automatic Programming: A Tutorial on Formal Methodologies. J. Symb. Comput. 1(2): 119-142 (1985)
9EEAlan W. Biermann, Kermit C. Gilbert, Linda Fineman: Introducing VIPS: a voice-interactive processing system for document management. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 661-666
8EEAlan W. Biermann, Robert D. Rodman, Bruce W. Ballard, T. Betancourt, Griff L. Bilbro, Harriet Haynsworth Deas, Linda Fineman, Pamela E. Fink, Kermit C. Gilbert, D. Gregory, J. Francis Heidlage: Interactive Natural Language Problem Solving: A Pragmatic Approach. ANLP 1983: 180-191
7 Alan W. Biermann, Bruce W. Ballard, Anne H. Sigmon: An Experimental Study of Natural Language Programming. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 18(1): 71-87 (1983)
6 Alan W. Biermann, Bruce W. Ballard: Toward Natural Language Computation. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 6(2): 71-86 (1980)
5 Alan W. Biermann, Douglas R. Smith: The Hierarchical Synthesis of Lisp Scanning Programs. IFIP Congress 1977: 41-45
4 Alan W. Biermann: Approaches to Automatic Programming. Advances in Computers 15: 1-63 (1976)
3 Alan W. Biermann, Ramachandran Krishnaswamy: Constructing Programs from Example Computations. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 2(3): 141-153 (1976)
2 Alan W. Biermann, Richard I. Baum, Frederick E. Petry: Speeding up the Synthesis of Programs from Traces. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(2): 122-136 (1975)
1 Alan W. Biermann: On the Inference of Turing Machines from Sample Computations. Artif. Intell. 3(1-3): 181-198 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Naoki Abe [34]
2Amit Bagga [25] [29]
3Bruce W. Ballard [6] [7] [8]
4Richard I. Baum [2]
5T. Betancourt [8]
6Griff L. Bilbro [8]
7Joyce Yue Chai (Joyce Y. Chai) [25] [27] [29] [30] [31]
8Christopher Connelly [26]
9Harriet Haynsworth Deas [8]
10Amr F. Fahmy [21] [23]
11Linda Fineman [8] [9] [12] [19]
12Pamela E. Fink [8] [15]
13Michael S. Fulkerson [28] [32]
14Kermit C. Gilbert [8] [9] [12]
15D. Gregory [8]
16Curry I. Guinn [23] [25] [28] [31]
17Hilda Hardy [35] [37]
18J. Francis Heidlage [8] [11] [19]
19D. Richard Hipp [20] [24]
20Alan Hui [25]
21R. Bryce Inouye [33] [35] [36] [37]
22Greg A. Keim [28]
23Ramachandran Krishnaswamy [3]
24Zheng Liang [28]
25Philip M. Long [34]
26Ashley McKenzie [35] [36] [37]
27Douglas M. Melamed [28]
28David M. Pennock (David Pennock) [23] [26]
29Frederick E. Petry [2]
30Krishnan Rajagopalan [28]
31Dietolf Ramm [23]
32Robert D. Rodman [8] [11]
33David C. Rubin [11]
34Anne H. Sigmon [7]
35Douglas R. Smith [5]
36Ronnie W. Smith [18] [20] [24]
37Tomek Strzalkowski [35] [37]
38Cristian Ursu [35] [37]
39Nick Webb [35] [37]
40Min Wu [35] [37]
41Peter Wu [23] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)