
Jeffrey W. Berger

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2EELuca Bogoni, Jane C. Asmuth, David J. Hirvonen, Bojidar D. Madjarov, Jeffrey W. Berger: Ophthalmic Slitlamp-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Image Processing Foundations. MICCAI 2001: 1395-1397
1 Jeffrey W. Berger, Michael E. Leventon, Nobuhiko Hata, William M. Wells III, Ron Kikinis: Design considerations for a computer-vision-enabled ophthalmic augmented reality environment. CVRMed 1997: 399-408

Coauthor Index

1Jane C. Asmuth [2]
2Luca Bogoni [2]
3Nobuhiko Hata [1]
4David J. Hirvonen [2]
5Ron Kikinis [1]
6Michael E. Leventon [1]
7Bojidar D. Madjarov [2]
8William M. Wells III [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)