
Eric van den Berg

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12EEEric van den Berg, Praveen Gopalakrishnan, Byungsuk Kim, Bryan Lyles, Won-Ik Kim, Yeon-Seung Shin, Yeong-Jin Kim: Dynamic Network Selection using Kernels. ICC 2007: 6049-6054
11EEKyriakos Manousakis, Praveen Gopalakrishnan, Dave Famolari, Eric van den Berg: INTELiCON: Intelligent Connectivity Framework for the Simultaneous Use of Multiple Interfaces. ICC 2007: 6117-6122
10EES. Muthukrishnan, Eric van den Berg, Yihua Wu: Sequential Change Detection on Data Streams. ICDM Workshops 2007: 551-550
9EETao Zhang, Eric van den Berg, Sunil Madhani, Ashutosh Dutta, Shantidev Mohanty: Mobile information services enabled by mobile publishing (MIS-MP). Wireless Networks 13(5): 617-633 (2007)
8EEJyh-Cheng Chen, Tuan-Che Chen, Tao Zhang, Eric van den Berg: Effective AP Selection and Load Balancing in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. GLOBECOM 2006
7EETao Zhang, Provin Gurung, Eric van den Berg, Sunil Madhani, Anish Muttreja: Silent networking for energy-constrained nodes. Computer Communications 29(17): 3445-3454 (2006)
6EETao Zhang, Sunil Madhani, Ashutosh Dutta, Eric van den Berg, Yoshihiro Ohba, Kenichi Taniuchi, Shantidev Mohanty: Implementation and evaluation of autonomous collaborative discovery of neighboring networks. ITRE 2005: 12-17
5EETao Zhang, Sunil Madhani, Eric van den Berg, Yoshihiro Ohba: AC-CDS: autonomous collaborative collection, discovery, and sharing of information for mobile users and devices. ITRE 2005: 7-11
4EERamkumar Chinchani, Eric van den Berg: A Fast Static Analysis Approach to Detect Exploit Code Inside Network Flows. RAID 2005: 284-308
3EEEric van den Berg, Sunil Madhani, Tao Zhang: Real-Time Comparison of Quality of Interfaces (QoI) by Mobile Devices over Heterogeneous Radio Networks. QSHINE 2004: 206-215
2EETao Zhang, Jasmine Chennikara, Prathima Agrawal, Eric van den Berg, Toshikazu Kodama: Autonomous Predictive Resource Reservation for Handoff in Multimedia Wireless Networks. ISCC 2001: 230-236
1 Tao Zhang, Eric van den Berg, Jasmine Chennikara, Prathima Agrawal, Jyh-Cheng Chen, Toshikazu Kodama: Local predictive resource reservation for handoff in multimedia wireless IP networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(10): 1931-1941 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Prathima Agrawal [1] [2]
2Jyh-Cheng Chen [1] [8]
3Tuan-Che Chen [8]
4Jasmine Chennikara [1] [2]
5Ramkumar Chinchani [4]
6Ashutosh Dutta [6] [9]
7Dave Famolari [11]
8Praveen Gopalakrishnan [11] [12]
9Provin Gurung [7]
10Byungsuk Kim [12]
11Won-Ik Kim [12]
12Yeong-Jin Kim [12]
13Toshikazu Kodama [1] [2]
14Bryan Lyles [12]
15Sunil Madhani [3] [5] [6] [7] [9]
16Kyriakos Manousakis [11]
17Shantidev Mohanty [6] [9]
18S. Muthukrishnan (S. Muthu Muthukrishnan) [10]
19Anish Muttreja [7]
20Yoshihiro Ohba [5] [6]
21Yeon-Seung Shin [12]
22Kenichi Taniuchi [6]
23Yihua Wu [10]
24Tao Zhang [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)