
Israel Beniaminy

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6EEIsrael Beniaminy, Dovi Yellin, Uzi Zahavi, Marko Zerdin: When the Rubber Meets the Road: Bio-inspired Field Service Scheduling in the Real World. Bio-inspired Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem 2009: 191-213
5EEIsrael Beniaminy, Zeev Nutov, Meir Ovadia: Approximating Interval Scheduling Problems with Bounded Profits. ESA 2007: 487-497
4EEZeev Nutov, Israel Beniaminy, Raphael Yuster: A (1-1/e)-approximation algorithm for the generalized assignment problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(3): 283-288 (2006)
3EEMoshe Ben-Bassat, Israel Beniaminy, David Joseph: Can model-based and case-based expert systems operate together? ITC 1998: 793-
2 Israel Beniaminy, Moshe Ben-Bassat, M. Bodenheimer, M. Eshel: Experience in Diagnosing a Remote, Tele-Controlled Unit Using the AITEST Expert System. ITC 1993: 37-44
1 Moshe Ben-Bassat, Defna Ben-Arie, Israel Beniaminy, Jonathan Cheifetz, Michael Klinger: A Proposed Benchmark Unit for Evaluating Electronic Troubleshooting Expert Systems. ITC 1989: 78-86

Coauthor Index

1Defna Ben-Arie [1]
2Moshe Ben-Bassat [1] [2] [3]
3M. Bodenheimer [2]
4Jonathan Cheifetz [1]
5M. Eshel [2]
6David Joseph [3]
7Michael Klinger [1]
8Zeev Nutov [4] [5]
9Meir Ovadia [5]
10Dovi Yellin [6]
11Raphael Yuster [4]
12Uzi Zahavi [6]
13Marko Zerdin [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)