
Raquel Benbunan-Fich

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12EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Rachel F. Adler, Tamilla Mavlanova: Towards new metrics for multitasking behavior. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4039-4044
11EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Gregory E. Truman: Technical opinion - Multitasking with laptops during meetings. Commun. ACM 52(2): 139-141 (2009)
10EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Marios Koufaris: Motivations and Contribution Behaviour in Social Bookmarking Systems: An Empirical Investigation. Electronic Markets 18(2): 150-160 (2008)
9EEJ. B. Arbaugh, Raquel Benbunan-Fich: The importance of participant interaction in online environments. Decision Support Systems 43(3): 853-865 (2007)
8EEMichael J. Gallivan, Raquel Benbunan-Fich: Examining the relationship between gender and the research productivity of IS faculty. CPR 2006: 103-113
7EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Murray Turoff: A comparative content analysis of face-to-face vs. asynchronous group decision making. Decision Support Systems 34(4): 457-469 (2003)
6EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Starr Roxanne Hiltz: Correlates of Effectiveness of Learning Networks: The Effects of Course Level, Course Type, and Gender on Outcomes. HICSS 2002: 5
5EERaquel Benbunan-Fich: Improving education and training with IT. Commun. ACM 45(6): 94-99 (2002)
4EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Murray Turoff: A Comparative Content Analysis of Face-to-Face vs. ALN-Mediated Teamwork. HICSS 2001
3EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Starr Roxanne Hiltz: Educational Applications of CMCS: Solving Case Studies through Asynchronous Learning Networks. J. Computer-Mediated Communication 4(3): (1999)
2EERaquel Benbunan-Fich, Starr Roxanne Hiltz: Learning Effects of Asynchronous Learning Networks: A Comparision of Groups and Individuals Solving Ethical Case Scenarios. HICSS (1) 1998: 340-
1EERaquel Benbunan-Fich: An Interaction Meta-Model for Groupware Theory and Research. HICSS (2) 1997: 76-83

Coauthor Index

1Rachel F. Adler [12]
2J. B. Arbaugh [9]
3Michael J. Gallivan [8]
4Starr Roxanne Hiltz [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
5Marios Koufaris [10]
6Tamilla Mavlanova [12]
7Gregory E. Truman [11]
8Murray Turoff [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)