
Victor Bekkers

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5EEEvelien Korteland, Victor Bekkers: Diffusion of E-Government Innovations in the Dutch Public Sector: The Case of Digital Community Policing. EGOV 2007: 252-264
4EEVictor Bekkers: Flexibility of Information Architecture in e-Government Chains. EGOV 2006: 243-255
3 Victor Bekkers: The Governance of Back Office Integration: Some Dutch Experiences. ECEG 2005: 57-66
2EEVictor Bekkers: The Governance of Back Office Integration in E-Government: Some Dutch Experiences. EGOV 2005: 12-25
1EEVincent Homburg, Victor Bekkers: The Back-Office of E-government (Managing Information Domains as Political Economies). HICSS 2002: 125

Coauthor Index

1Vincent Homburg [1]
2Evelien Korteland [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)