
Kirsty A. Beilharz

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6EEHong Jun Song, Kirsty A. Beilharz: Aesthetic and auditory enhancements for multi-stream information sonification. DIMEA 2008: 224-231
5EEKirsty A. Beilharz, Sam Ferguson: Gestural hyper instrument collaboration with generative computation for real time creativity. Creativity & Cognition 2007: 213-222
4EEHong Jun Song, Kirsty A. Beilharz: Sonification guidelines facilitating an intuitive and rapid understanding/interpretation. MMM 2006
3EEKirsty A. Beilharz, Joanne Jakovich, Sam Ferguson: Hyper-shaku (Border-crossing): Towards the Multi-modal Gesture-controlled Hyper-Instrument. NIME 2006: 352-357
2EERabee M. Reffat, Kirsty A. Beilharz: A Framework of Semantic-based Agents to Support Designing in Virtual Environments. MMM 2004: 167-
1EEKirsty A. Beilharz, Rabee M. Reffat: Thematic Design and Efficiency in Virtual Environments Using Metaphors. MMM 2004: 371

Coauthor Index

1Sam Ferguson [3] [5]
2Joanne Jakovich [3]
3Rabee M. Reffat [1] [2]
4Hong Jun Song [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)