
Sanjeev Bedi

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19EEDavid Roth, Paul J. Gray, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi: Mechanistic modelling of 5-axis milling using an adaptive and local depth buffer. Computer-Aided Design 39(4): 302-312 (2007)
18EEArmando Roman, Sanjeev Bedi, Fathy Ismail: Tool path planning for 3-axis machining. IJMR 1(2): 248-265 (2006)
17EEChenggang Li, Stephen Mann, Sanjeev Bedi: Error measurements for flank milling. Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1459-1468 (2005)
16EEPaul J. Gray, Sanjeev Bedi, Fathy Ismail: Arc-intersect method for 5-axis tool positioning. Computer-Aided Design 37(7): 663-674 (2005)
15EECornelia Menzel, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann: Triple tangent flank milling of ruled surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 36(3): 289-296 (2004)
14EEPaul J. Gray, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi: Graphics-assisted Rolling Ball Method for 5-axis surface machining. Computer-Aided Design 36(7): 653-663 (2004)
13EEPaul J. Gray, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi: Cusp modeling for 5-axis surface machining. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2003: 340-345
12EEDavid Roth, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi: Mechanistic modelling of the milling process using an adaptive depth buffer. Computer-Aided Design 35(14): 1287-1303 (2003)
11EESanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, Cornelia Menzel: Flank milling with flat end milling cutters. Computer-Aided Design 35(3): 293-300 (2003)
10EEPaul J. Gray, Sanjeev Bedi, Fathy Ismail: Rolling ball method for 5-axis surface machining. Computer-Aided Design 35(4): 347-357 (2003)
9EEStephen Mann, Sanjeev Bedi: Generalization of the imprint method to general surfaces of revolution for NC machining. Computer-Aided Design 34(5): 373-378 (2002)
8EEStephen Mann, Sanjeev Bedi, David Roth: The swept surface of an elliptic cylinder. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2001: 302
7EEDavid Roth, Sanjeev Bedi, Fathy Ismail, Stephen Mann: Surface swept by a toroidal cutter during 5-axis machining. Computer-Aided Design 33(1): 57-63 (2001)
6EEToni Prahasto, Sanjeev Bedi: Optimization of Knots for the Multi Curve B-Spline Approximation. GMP 2000: 150-161
5EEAndrew Warkentin, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi: Multi-point tool positioning strategy for 5-axis mashining of sculptured surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 17(1): 83-100 (2000)
4EEDavid Roth, Sanjeev Bedi, Fathy Ismail: Generation of swept volumes of toroidal endmills in five-axis motion using space curves. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1999: 306-311
3EEAndrew Warkentin, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi: Intersection approach to multi-point machining of sculptured surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(6): 567-584 (1998)
2EESanjeev Bedi: Surface design using functional blending. Computer-Aided Design 24(9): 505-511 (1992)
1EESanjeev Bedi, Geoffrey W. Vickers: Surface lofting and smoothing with skeletal-lines. Computer Aided Geometric Design 6(2): 87-96 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Paul J. Gray [10] [13] [14] [16] [19]
2Fathy Ismail [3] [4] [5] [7] [10] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [19]
3Chenggang Li [17]
4Stephen Mann [7] [8] [9] [11] [15] [17]
5Cornelia Menzel [11] [15]
6Toni Prahasto [6]
7Armando Roman [18]
8David Roth [4] [7] [8] [12] [19]
9Geoffrey W. Vickers [1]
10Andrew Warkentin [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)