
Kirk A. Beaty

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7EENorman Bobroff, Andrzej Kochut, Kirk A. Beaty: Dynamic Placement of Virtual Machines for Managing SLA Violations. Integrated Network Management 2007: 119-128
6EEAndrzej Kochut, Kirk A. Beaty: On Strategies for Dynamic Resource Management in Virtualized Server Environments. MASCOTS 2007: 193-200
5EESteve Mastrianni, David F. Bantz, Kirk A. Beaty, Tom Chefalas, Srikant Jalan, Gautam Kar, Andrzej Kochut, Dongjun Lan, Larry O'Connell, Anca Sailer, Gang Wang, Qingbo Wang, Dennis G. Shea: IT Autopilot: A flexible IT service management and delivery platform for small and medium business. IBM Systems Journal 46(3): 609-624 (2007)
4EEGunjan Khanna, Kirk A. Beaty, Gautam Kar, Andrzej Kochut: Application Performance Management in Virtualized Server Environments. NOMS 2006: 373-381
3EEAndrzej Kochut, Norman Bobroff, Kirk A. Beaty, Gautam Kar: Management issues in storage area networks: detection and isolation of performance problems. NOMS (1) 2004: 453-466
2EEJohn R. Jensen, Kirk A. Beaty: Building an APL2 X-Windows Interface for VM and AIX with a General APL2-to-C Interface. APL 1991: 212-222
1 John R. Jensen, Kirk A. Beaty: Putting a New Face on APL2. IBM Systems Journal 30(4): 469-489 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1David F. Bantz [5]
2Norman Bobroff [3] [7]
3Tom Chefalas [5]
4Srikant Jalan [5]
5John R. Jensen [1] [2]
6Gautam Kar [3] [4] [5]
7Gunjan Khanna [4]
8Andrzej Kochut [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Dongjun Lan [5]
10Steve Mastrianni [5]
11Larry O'Connell [5]
12Anca Sailer [5]
13Dennis G. Shea [5]
14Gang Wang [5]
15Qingbo Wang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)