
Peter Baumung

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5EEPeter Baumung, Stefan Penz, Michael Klein: P2P-Based Semantic Service Management in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. MDM 2006: 48
4EEPeter Baumung: Stable, Congestion-Controlled Application-Layer Multicasting in Pedestrian Ad-Hoc Networks. WOWMOM 2005: 57-64
3EEPeter Baumung, Martina Zitterbart, Kendy Kutzner: Improving delivery ratios for application layer multicast in mobile ad hoc networks. Computer Communications 28(14): 1669-1679 (2005)
2 Peter Baumung, Martina Zitterbart: Effiziente Endsystem-basierte Multicast-Dienste in Mobilen Ad-hoc-Netzwerken. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2004: 31-44
1 Peter Baumung: Stabiles Routing von Endsystem-Multicast-Strömen in Mobilen Ad-hoc-Netzen. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 251-244

Coauthor Index

1Michael Klein [5]
2Kendy Kutzner [3]
3Stefan Penz [5]
4Martina Zitterbart [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)