
M. Bauer

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5EEM. Bauer, S. M. Schuster, Khalid Sayood: The Use of Average Mutual Information Profile as a Species Signature. DCC 2005: 452
4EEM. Bauer, R. Alexis, Greg Atwood, B. Baltar, Al Fazio, K. Frary, M. Hensel, M. Ishac, J. Javanifard, M. Landgraf, D. Leak, K. Loe, Duane Mills, P. Ruby, R. Rozman, S. Sweha, S. Talreja, K. Wojciechowski: A Multilevel-Cell 32MB Flash Memory. ISMVL 2000: 367-
3 M. Bauer: Justification of Plan Recognition Results. ECAI 1996: 647-651
2EEM. Bauer, C. Itzykson: Triangulations. Discrete Mathematics 156(1-3): 29-81 (1996)
1 M. Bauer: A Basis For The Acquisition Of Procedures From Protocols. IJCAI 1975: 226-231

Coauthor Index

1R. Alexis [4]
2Greg Atwood [4]
3B. Baltar [4]
4Al Fazio [4]
5K. Frary [4]
6M. Hensel [4]
7M. Ishac [4]
8C. Itzykson [2]
9J. Javanifard [4]
10M. Landgraf [4]
11D. Leak [4]
12K. Loe [4]
13Duane Mills [4]
14R. Rozman [4]
15P. Ruby [4]
16Khalid Sayood [5]
17S. M. Schuster [5]
18S. Sweha [4]
19S. Talreja [4]
20K. Wojciechowski [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)