
Christian Bauer

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23EEChristian Bauer, Horst Bischof: A Novel Approach for Detection of Tubular Objects and Its Application to Medical Image Analysis. DAGM-Symposium 2008: 163-172
22EEChristian Bauer, Horst Bischof: Extracting Curve Skeletons from Gray Value Images for Virtual Endoscopy. MIAR 2008: 393-402
21EEChristian Bauer, Serkan Ayaz, Max Ehammer, Thomas Gräupl, Fabrice Arnal: Infrastructure-based route optimization for NEMO based on combined local and global mobility. Mobility Conference 2008: 61
20EEFelix Hoffmann, Christian Bauer, Daniel Medina, Serkan Ayaz: FACTS: an OMNeT++ based simulator for aeronautical communications. SimuTools 2008: 85
19EEFaqir Zarrar Yousaf, Christian Bauer, Christian Wietfeld: An accurate and extensible mobile IPv6 (xMIPV6) simulation model for OMNeT++. SimuTools 2008: 88
18EEChristian Bauer, Serkan Ayaz: A Thorough Investigation of Mobile IPv6 for the Aeronautical Environment. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
17EEChristian Bauer, Max Ehammer: Securing Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery with Cryptographically Generated Addresses and RSA Signatures. WiMob 2008: 555-560
16EEThomas Strang, Christian Bauer: Context-Aware Elevator Scheduling. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 276-281
15EEFreimut Bodendorf, Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Christian Bauer: There's more to IT - vom Innovationspotenzial zur Innovationsfähigkeit. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 239: (2004)
14EEArno Scharl, Christian Bauer: Mining large samples of web-based corpora. Knowl.-Based Syst. 17(5-6): 229-233 (2004)
13EEArno Scharl, Irene Pollach, Christian Bauer: Determining the Semantic Orientation of Web-Based Corpora. IDEAL 2003: 840-849
12EEChristian Bauer, Joe Colgan: The Internet As A Driver For Unbundling: A Transaction Perspective from the Stockbroking Industry. Electronic Markets 12(2): (2002)
11EEChristian Bauer, Alexander Frink, Richard Kreckel: Introduction to the GiNaC Framework for Symbolic Computation within the C++ Programming Language. J. Symb. Comput. 33(1): 1-12 (2002)
10EEChristian Bauer, Arno Scharl: Tool-Supported Evolutionary Web Development: Rethinking Traditional Modeling Principles. ECIS 2000
9EEChristian Bauer, Joe Colgan, J. Wreford: Unbundling Processes in On Line Trading: Economic and Technical Drivers. ECIS 2000
8 Christian Bauer, Arno Scharl: Conceptual foundations of tool-based evolutionary web development. IRMA Conference 2000: 1005-1006
7EEChristian Bauer, Alexander Frink, Richard Kreckel: Introduction to the GiNaC Framework for Symbolic Computation within the C++ Programming Language CoRR cs.SC/0004015: (2000)
6EEArno Scharl, Christian Bauer, Marion Kaukal: Commercial Scenarios of Digital Agent Deployment: A Functional Classification. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 1(3): 106-118 (2000)
5 Freimut Bodendorf, Christian Bauer, Christian Langenbach, Manfred Schertler, Sascha Uelpenich: Vorlesung auf Abruf im Internet. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 23(3): (2000)
4EEChristian Bauer, Arno Scharl: Acquisition and Symbolic Visualization of Aggregated Customer Information for Analyzing Web Information Systems. HICSS 1999
3EEArno Scharl, Christian Bauer: Explorative analysis and evaluation of commercial web information systems. ICIS 1999: 533-539
2 Christian Bauer, Bernard V. Glasson: A Case Study Evaluation of Two Web-Based Courseware Tools. Teleteaching 1998: 99-108
1 Christian Bauer, Christiane Löckenhoff: Das ESPRIT-Projekt KADS-II: nicht alles für die Katz! KI 8(3): 51-54 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Fabrice Arnal [21]
2Serkan Ayaz [18] [20] [21]
3Horst Bischof [22] [23]
4Freimut Bodendorf [5] [15]
5Joe Colgan [9] [12]
6Max Ehammer [17] [21]
7Alexander Frink [7] [11]
8Bernard V. Glasson [2]
9Thomas Gräupl [21]
10Felix Hoffmann [20]
11Marion Kaukal [6]
12Richard Kreckel [7] [11]
13Christian Langenbach [5]
14Christiane Löckenhoff [1]
15Daniel Medina [20]
16Irene Pollach [13]
17Susanne Robra-Bissantz [15]
18Arno Scharl [3] [4] [6] [8] [10] [13] [14]
19Manfred Schertler [5]
20Thomas Strang [16]
21Sascha Uelpenich [5]
22Christian Wietfeld [19]
23J. Wreford [9]
24Faqir Zarrar Yousaf [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)