
Victor Batista

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5EELuís Moura Silva, Victor Batista, João Gabriel Silva: Fault-Tolerant Execution of Mobile Agents. DSN 2000: 135-143
4EELuís Moura Silva, Guilherme Soares, Paulo Martins, Victor Batista, Luís Santos: Comparing the performance of mobile agent systems: a study of benchmarking. Computer Communications 23(8): 769-778 (2000)
3EELuís Moura Silva, Guilherme Soares, Paulo Martins, Victor Batista, Luís Santos: The Performance of Mobile Agent Platforms. ASA/MA 1999: 270-271
2EELuís Moura Silva, Victor Batista, Paulo Martins, Guilherme Soares: Using Mobile Agents for Parallel Processing. DOA 1999: 34-42
1EELuís Moura Silva, Paulo Simões, Guilherme Soares, Paulo Martins, Victor Batista, Carlos Renato, Leonor Almeida, Norbert Stohr: JAMES: A Platform of Mobile Agents for the Management of Telecommunication Networks. IATA 1999: 77-95

Coauthor Index

1Leonor Almeida [1]
2Paulo Martins [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Carlos Renato [1]
4Luís Santos [3] [4]
5João Gabriel Silva [5]
6Luís Moura Silva [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Paulo Simões [1]
8Guilherme Soares [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Norbert Stohr [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)