
Alberto Bartesaghi

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9EEIman Aganj, Alberto Bartesaghi, Mario Borgnia, Hstau Y. Liao, Guillermo Sapiro, Sriram Subramaniam: Regularization for Inverting the Radon Transform with Wedge Consideration. ISBI 2007: 217-220
8EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Pablo Sprechmann, Gregory Randall, Guillermo Sapiro, Sriram Subramaniam: Classification, Averaging and Reconstruction of Macromolecules in Electron Tomography. ISBI 2007: 244-247
7EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Mariappan S. Nadar: Segmentation of anatomical structure from DT-MRI. ISBI 2006: 61-64
6EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Guillermo Sapiro: Tracking of moving objects under severe and total occlusions. ICIP (1) 2005: 301-304
5EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Guillermo Sapiro, Thomas Malzbender, Dan Gelb: Three-dimensional shape rendering from multiple images. Graphical Models 67(4): 332-346 (2005)
4EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Guillermo Sapiro, Sriram Subramaniam: An Energy-Based Three-Dimensional Segmentation Approach for the Quantitative Interpretation of Electron Tomograms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(9): 1314-1323 (2005)
3EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Guillermo Sapiro, Thomas Malzbender, Dan Gelb: Non-photorealistic rendering from multiple images. ICIP 2004: 2403-2406
2 Alberto Bartesaghi, Guillermo Sapiro, Stanton Lee, Jon Lefman, Sharon Wahl, Sriram Subramaniam, Jan Orenstein: A New Approach for 3D Segmentation of Cellular Tomograms Obtained Using Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy. ISBI 2004: 5-8
1EEAlberto Bartesaghi, Alicia Fernández, Alvaro Gómez: Performance Evaluation of an Automatic Fingerprint Classification Algorithm Adapted to a Vucetich Based Classification System. AVBPA 2001: 259-265

Coauthor Index

1Iman Aganj [9]
2Mario Borgnia [9]
3Alicia Fernández [1]
4Dan Gelb [3] [5]
5Alvaro Gómez [1]
6Stanton Lee [2]
7Jon Lefman [2]
8Hstau Y. Liao [9]
9Thomas Malzbender [3] [5]
10Mariappan S. Nadar [7]
11Jan Orenstein [2]
12Gregory Randall [8]
13Guillermo Sapiro [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
14Pablo Sprechmann [8]
15Sriram Subramaniam [2] [4] [8] [9]
16Sharon Wahl [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)