
Félix Balado

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16EEFélix Balado, Neil J. Hurley, Elizabeth P. McCarthy, Guenole C. M. Silvestre: Performance Analysis of Robust Audio Hashing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2(2): 254-266 (2007)
15EEPedro Comesaña, Fernando Pérez-González, Félix Balado: On distortion-compensated dither modulation data-hiding with repetition coding. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(2): 585-600 (2006)
14EEFélix Balado: New Geometric Analysis of Spread-Spectrum Data Hiding with Repetition Coding, with Implications for Side-Informed Schemes. IWDW 2005: 336-350
13EEMark T. Hogan, Félix Balado, Neil J. Hurley, Guenole C. M. Silvestre: On the Achievable Rate of Side Informed Embedding Techniques with Steganographic Constraints. IWDW 2005: 387-402
12EEAlan J. Larkin, Félix Balado, Neil J. Hurley, Guenole C. M. Silvestre: Dither Modulation Watermarking of Dynamic Memory Traces. Information Hiding 2005: 372-386
11 Mark T. Hogan, Neil J. Hurley, Guenole C. M. Silvestre, Félix Balado, Kevin M. Whelan: ML detection of steganography. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 16-27
10 Kevin M. Whelan, Félix Balado, Guenole C. M. Silvestre, Neil J. Hurley: Iterative estimation of amplitude scaling on distortion-compensated dither modulation. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 549-560
9 Elizabeth P. McCarthy, Félix Balado, Guenole C. M. Silvestre, Neil J. Hurley: A model for improving the performance of feature-extraction-based robust hashing. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 59-67
8EEElizabeth P. McCarthy, Félix Balado, Guenole C. M. Silvestre, Neil J. Hurley: A framework for soft hashing and its application to robust image hashing. ICIP 2004: 397-400
7 Félix Balado, Fernando Pérez-González, Pedro Comesaña: Blind iterative decoding of side-informed data hiding using the expectation-maximization algorithm. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2004: 805-815
6 Pedro Comesaña, Fernando Pérez-González, Félix Balado: Optimal strategies for spread-spectrum and quantized-projection image data hiding games with BER payoffs. ICIP (2) 2003: 479-482
5 Fernando Pérez-González, Pedro Comesaña, Félix Balado: Dither-modulation data hiding with distortion-compensation: exact performance analysis and an improved detector for JPEG attacks. ICIP (2) 2003: 503-506
4EEPedro Comesaña, Fernando Pérez-González, Félix Balado: Optimal Data-Hiding Strategies for Games with BER Payoffs. IWDW 2003: 101-116
3 Fernando Pérez-González, Félix Balado: Quantized projection data hiding. ICIP (2) 2002: 889-892
2EEFernando Pérez-González, Félix Balado: Nothing But a Kiss: A Novel and Accurate Approach to Assessing the Performance of Multidimensional Distortion-Compensated Dither Modulation. Information Hiding 2002: 87-105
1EEFernando Pérez-González, Juan Ramón Hernández, Félix Balado: Approaching the capacity limit in image watermarking: a perspective on coding techniques for data hiding applications. Signal Processing 81(6): 1215-1238 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Pedro Comesaña Alfaro (Pedro Comesaña) [4] [5] [6] [7] [15]
2Juan Ramón Hernández [1]
3Mark T. Hogan [11] [13]
4Neil J. Hurley [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16]
5Alan J. Larkin [12]
6Elizabeth P. McCarthy [8] [9] [16]
7Fernando Pérez-González [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [15]
8Guenole C. M. Silvestre [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16]
9Kevin M. Whelan [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)