
Dushan Z. Badal

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18EEHenrik André-Jönsson, Dushan Z. Badal: Indexing time series using signatures. Intell. Data Anal. 4(1): 67-92 (2000)
17 Henrik André-Jönsson, Dushan Z. Badal: Using Signature Files for Querying Time-Series Data. PKDD 1997: 211-220
16EELing Lin, Tore Risch, Martin Sköld, Dushan Z. Badal: Indexing Values of Time Sequences. CIKM 1996: 223-232
15 Dushan Z. Badal, M. L. Davis: Investigations of Unstructured Text Indexing. DEXA Workshop 1995: 387-396
14 Dushan Z. Badal: Neural Networks and Image Data Management. DEXA 1992: 191-196
13EEDushan Z. Badal: The Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithm. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 4(4): 320-337 (1986)
12 Dushan Z. Badal, W. McElyea: A Robust Adaptive Concurrency Control for Distributed Databases. INFOCOM 1984: 382-391
11 Dushan Z. Badal: Semantic integrity enforcement in centralized DBMS and distributed DBMS based on slow (geographically distributed) and fast (local area) networks. Inf. Syst. 9(2): 121-138 (1984)
10EEDushan Z. Badal, R. Relue: Database Management Systems in Microworld - DBASE II & MDBS III. Databases for Business and Office Applications 1983: 15-24
9 Dushan Z. Badal, M. T. Gehl: On Deadlock Detection in Distributed Computing Systems. INFOCOM 1983: 36-45
8 Dushan Z. Badal: The Effects of Concurrency Control on Centralized DBMS and Distributed DBMS Based on Long Haul and Local Networks. DDB 1982: 81-91
7 Dushan Z. Badal: Concurrency Control Overhead or Closer Look at Blocking vs. Nonblocking Concurrency Control Mechanisms. Berkeley Workshop 1981: 85-104
6 Dushan Z. Badal: On the Degree of Concurrency Provided by Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Distributed Databases. DDB 1980: 35-48
5EEDushan Z. Badal: The Analysis of the Effects of Concurrency Control on Distributed Database System Performance. VLDB 1980: 376-383
4 Dushan Z. Badal: On Efficient Monitoring of Database Assertions in Distributed Databases. Berkeley Workshop 1979: 125-
3 Dushan Z. Badal: Correctness of Concurrency Control and Implications for Distributed Databases. COMPSAC 1979
2EEDushan Z. Badal, Gerald J. Popek: Cost and Performance Analysis of Semantic Integrity Validation Methods. SIGMOD Conference 1979: 109-115
1 Dushan Z. Badal, Gerald J. Popek: A Proposal for Distributed Concurrency Control for Partially Redundant Distributed Data Base Systems. Berkeley Workshop 1978: 273-285

Coauthor Index

1Henrik André-Jönsson [17] [18]
2M. L. Davis [15]
3M. T. Gehl [9]
4Ling Lin [16]
5W. McElyea [12]
6Gerald J. Popek [1] [2]
7R. Relue [10]
8Tore Risch [16]
9Martin Sköld [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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