
N. Ramesh Babu

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4 D. S. Srinivasu, N. Ramesh Babu: A neuro-genetic approach for selection of process parameters in abrasive waterjet cutting considering variation in diameter of focusing nozzle. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(1): 809-819 (2008)
3EEP. Hemanth, P. V. Naqash, N. Ramesh Babu: A simplified model for predicting the penetration of an abrasive water jet in a piercing operation. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 366-380 (2005)
2EEK. N. Bhat, B. R. K. Reddy, V. Vinoth Kumar, K. Siva Kumar, Y. Sushma, N. Ramesh Babu, K. Natarajan: Design Optimization, Fabrication And Testing Of A Capacitive Silicon Accelerometer Using An Soi Approach. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(3): 485-488 (2003)
1EEA. Ramesh Babu, N. Ramesh Babu: A generic approach for nesting of 2-D parts in 2-D sheets using genetic and heuristic algorithms. Computer-Aided Design 33(12): 879-891 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1A. Ramesh Babu [1]
2K. N. Bhat [2]
3P. Hemanth [3]
4K. Siva Kumar [2]
5V. Vinoth Kumar [2]
6P. V. Naqash [3]
7K. Natarajan [2]
8B. R. K. Reddy [2]
9D. S. Srinivasu [4]
10Y. Sushma [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)