
Norio Baba

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33EENorio Baba, Kenta Nagasawa, Hisashi Handa: Utilization of Soft Computing Techniques for Making Environmental Games More Exciting -Toward an Effective Utilization of the COMMONS GAME. KES (2) 2008: 411-417
32 Norio Baba, Lakhmi C. Jain, Hisashi Handa: Advanced Intelligent Paradigms in Computer Games Springer 2007
31EENorio Baba, Kou Nin: Prediction of Golden Cross and Dead Cross by Neural Networks and Its Utilization. KES (2) 2007: 642-648
30EENorio Baba, Yoshio Mogami: A Consideration on the Learning Performances of the Hierarchical Structure Learning Automata (HSLA) Operating in the General Nonstationary Multiteacher Environment. KES (3) 2007: 82-90
29EENorio Baba, Hisashi Handa: COMMONS GAME Made More Exciting by an Intelligent Utilization of the Two Evolutionary Algorithms. Advanced Intelligent Paradigms in Computer Games 2007: 1-16
28EENorio Baba: Utilization of NNs for Improving the Traditional Technical Analysis in the Financial Markets. KES (3) 2006: 663-669
27EENorio Baba, Yoshio Mogami: Learning Behaviors of the Hierarchical Structure Stochastic Automata. KES (1) 2005: 624-634
26EENorio Baba, Toshinori Nomura: An Intelligent Utilization of Neural Networks for Improving the Traditional Technical Analysis in the Stock Markets. KES (1) 2005: 8-14
25EENorio Baba, Tomoko Kawachi: A New Trial for Improving the Traditional Technical Analysis in the Stock Markets. KES 2004: 434-440
24EENorio Baba, Yoshio Mogami: A Consideration on the Learning Behaviors of the HSLA Under the Nonstationary Multiteacher Environment and Their Application to Simulation and Gaming. KES 2004: 792-798
23EENorio Baba, Lakhmi C. Jain: Computational Intelligence in Games. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 7(1): (2004)
22EENorio Baba, Yaai Wang, Tomoko Kawachi, Lina Xu, Zhenglong Deng: Utilization of AI & GAs to Improve the Traditional Technical Analysis in the Financial Markets. KES 2003: 1095-1099
21EENorio Baba, Yoshio Mogami: A New Learning Algorithm for the Hierarchical Structure Learning Automata Operating in the General Nonstationary Multiteacher Environment. KES 2003: 1122-1128
20 Norio Baba, Yoshio Mogami: A new learning algorithm for the hierarchical structure learning automata operating in the nonstationary S-model random environment. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(6): 750-758 (2002)
19EENorio Baba, Naoyuki Inoue, Hiroyuki Asakawa: Utilization of Neural Networks & GAs for Constructing Reliable Decision Support Systems to Deal Stocks. IJCNN (5) 2000: 111-116
18EENorio Baba, Hidetsugu Suto: Utilization of Artificial Neural Networks and Gas for Constructing an Intelligent Sales Prediction System. IJCNN (6) 2000: 565-570
17EESeiichi Ozawa, K. Tsutumi, Norio Baba: Evolution of a dynamical modular neural network and its application to associative memories. KES 1999: 145-148
16EENorio Baba: Utilization of GAs in order to make game playing much more exciting. KES 1999: 473-476
15EENorio Baba, Y. Takagawara: Utilization of GAs in order to let a player on the computer side have enough intelligence. KES 1999: 477-479
14EENorio Baba, Hiroyuki Asakawa, Naoyuki Inoue: Application of soft computing techniques for dealing Tokyo stock exchange prices indexes (TOPIX). KES 1999: 542-545
13 Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba: A Continuous-Time Model of Autoassociative Neural Memories Utilizing the Noise-Subspace Dynamics. Neural Processing Letters 10(2): 97-109 (1999)
12 Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba: Design of Modular Neural Network Architectures Using Genetic Algorithms. ICONIP 1998: 1608-1611
11EENorio Baba: Intelligent decision support systems utilizing neural networks and temporal difference learning. KES (1) 1998: 2-12
10EEK. Sato, Norio Baba: A research concerning a concept generation and an action of an agent. KES (3) 1998: 32-35
9EENorio Baba, Y. Takagawara: Application of temporal difference learning method to computer gaming. KES (3) 1998: 36-39
8EENorio Baba, K. Sato: A consideration on the learning algorithm of neural network-utilization of the hierarchical structure stochastic automata for the backpropagation method with momentum. KES (3) 1998: 7-12
7 Norio Baba, Naoyuki Kubota: Collision Avoidance Planning of a Robot Manipulator by Using Genetic Algorithm - A Consideration for the Problem in Which Moving Obstacles and/or Several Robots are Included in the Workspace. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 714-719
6EENorio Baba, Yoshio Mogami, Motokazu Kohzaki, Yasuhiro Shiraishi, Yutaka Yoshida: A hybrid algorithm for finding the global minimum of error function of neural networks and its applications. Neural Networks 7(8): 1253-1265 (1994)
5 Norio Baba: Utilization of Stochastic Automata and Genetic Algorithms for Neural Network Learning. PPSN 1992: 433-442
4EENorio Baba: A new approach for finding the global minimum of error function of neural networks. Neural Networks 2(5): 367-373 (1989)
3EENorio Baba: Least cost testing sequence problem with unknown rejecting probabilities. Inf. Sci. 12(2): 157-162 (1977)
2EENorio Baba, Toshio Shoman, Yoshikazu Sawaragi: A modified convergence theorem for a random optimization method. Inf. Sci. 13(2): 159-166 (1977)
1EENorio Baba: Learning behavior of stochastic automata in the last stage of learning. Inf. Sci. 9(4): 315-322 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Hiroyuki Asakawa [14] [19]
2Zhenglong Deng [22]
3Hisashi Handa [29] [32] [33]
4Naoyuki Inoue [14] [19]
5Lakhmi C. Jain [23] [32]
6Tomoko Kawachi [22] [25]
7Motokazu Kohzaki [6]
8Naoyuki Kubota [7]
9Yoshio Mogami [6] [20] [21] [24] [27] [30]
10Kenta Nagasawa [33]
11Kou Nin [31]
12Toshinori Nomura [26]
13Seiichi Ozawa [12] [13] [17]
14K. Sato [8] [10]
15Yoshikazu Sawaragi [2]
16Yasuhiro Shiraishi [6]
17Toshio Shoman [2]
18Hidetsugu Suto [18]
19Y. Takagawara [9] [15]
20Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi [12] [13]
21K. Tsutumi [17]
22Yaai Wang [22]
23Lina Xu [22]
24Yutaka Yoshida [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)