
Karin Axelsson

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11EEKarin Axelsson, Ulf Melin: Citizen Participation and Involvement in eGovernment Projects: An Emergent Framework. EGOV 2008: 207-218
10EEKarin Axelsson: Exploring Relationships between Products Characteristics and B2C Interaction in Electronic Commerce. JTAER 3(2): 1-17 (2008)
9EEKarin Axelsson, Ulf Melin: Talking to, Not About, Citizens - Experiences of Focus Groups in Public E-Service Development. EGOV 2007: 179-190
8EEKarin Axelsson, Stefan Ventura: Reaching Communication Quality in Public E-Forms - A Communicative Perspective on E-Form Design. EGOV 2007: 342-353
7EEUlf Melin, Karin Axelsson: Action in Action Research - Illustrations of What, Who, Why, Where, and When from an E-Government Project. EGOV 2007: 44-55
6EEKarin Axelsson, Ulf Melin, Tommy Wedlund: Student activity in seminars: designing multi-functional assessment events. ITiCSE 2006: 93-97
5EEBritt-Marie Johansson, Karin Axelsson: Analysing Communication Media and Actions - Extending and Evaluating the Business Action Matrix. ECIS 2005
4EEUlf Melin, Karin Axelsson: Understanding Organizational Coordination and Information Systems - Mintzberg's Coordination Mechanisms Revisited and Evaluated. ECIS 2005
3EEBritt-Marie Johansson, Karin Axelsson: Communication Media in Distance Selling - Business Interactions in a B2C Setting. ECIS 2004
2EEUlf Melin, Karin Axelsson: Emphasizing symmetry issues in business interaction analysis and IOS. ICEC 2004: 312-318
1EEKarin Axelsson, Ulf Melin, Göran Goldkuhl: Understanding B2B Interaction - A Model To Accentuate Inter-organisational Systems Design Issues. ECIS 2002

Coauthor Index

1Göran Goldkuhl [1]
2Britt-Marie Johansson [3] [5]
3Ulf Melin [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [9] [11]
4Stefan Ventura [8]
5Tommy Wedlund [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)