
Mohammad Awedh

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5EEMohammad Awedh, Fabio Somenzi: Automatic invariant strengthening to prove properties in bounded model checking. DAC 2006: 1073-1076
4EEMohammad Awedh, Fabio Somenzi: Termination Criteria for Bounded Model Checking: Extensions and Comparison. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 144(1): 51-66 (2006)
3EEHoonSang Jin, Mohammad Awedh, Fabio Somenzi: CirCUs: A Satisfiability Solver Geared towards Bounded Model Checking. CAV 2004: 519-522
2EEMohammad Awedh, Fabio Somenzi: Proving More Properties with Bounded Model Checking. CAV 2004: 96-108
1EEMohammad Awedh, Fabio Somenzi: Increasing the Robustness of Bounded Model Checking by Computing Lower Bounds on the Reachable States. FMCAD 2004: 230-244

Coauthor Index

1HoonSang Jin [3]
2Fabio Somenzi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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