
Geert A. Awater

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5 Geert A. Awater, Jan Kruys: Wireless ATM - An Overview. MONET 1(3): 235-243 (1996)
4 Geert A. Awater, Harry A. B. van de Vlag: Exact Computation of Time and Call Blocking Probabilities in Large, Multi-Traffic, Multi-Resource Loss Systems. Perform. Eval. 25(1): 41-58 (1996)
3 Harry A. B. van de Vlag, Geert A. Awater: Exact Computation of Time and Call Blocking Probabilities in Multi-Traffic Circuit-Switched Networks. INFOCOM 1994: 56-65
2 Geert A. Awater, Frits C. Schoute: Performance Improvement of Fast Packet Switching by LDOLL Queueing. INFOCOM 1992: 562-568
1 Geert A. Awater, Frits C. Schoute: Optimal Queueing Policies for Fast Packet Switching of Mixed Traffic. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(3): 458-467 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jan Kruys [5]
2Frits C. Schoute [1] [2]
3Harry A. B. van de Vlag [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)