
Paris Avgeriou

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36EEParis Avgeriou, Patricia Lago, Philippe Kruchten: Towards using architectural knowledge. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 34(2): 27-30 (2009)
35 Paris Avgeriou, Patricia Lago, Philippe Kruchten: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge, SHARK 2008, Leipzig, Germany, May 13, 2008 ACM 2008
34EEAhmad Waqas Kamal, Paris Avgeriou: Modeling Architectural Patterns' Behavior Using Architectural Primitives. ECSA 2008: 164-179
33EEParis Avgeriou, Patricia Lago, Philippe Kruchten: Third international workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge (SHARK 2008). ICSE Companion 2008: 1065-1066
32EEPeng Liang, Anton Jansen, Paris Avgeriou: Selecting a High-Quality Central Model for Sharing Architectural Knowledge. QSIC 2008: 357-365
31EEAnton Jansen, Tjaard de Vries, Paris Avgeriou, Martijn van Veelen: Sharing the Architectural Knowledge of Quantitative Analysis. QoSA 2008: 220-234
30EEUwe Zdun, Paris Avgeriou, Carsten Hentrich, Schahram Dustdar: Architecting as decision making with patterns and primitives. SHARK 2008: 11-18
29EETrosky B. Callo Arias, Paris Avgeriou, Pierre America: Analyzing the Actual Execution of a Large Software-Intensive System for Determining Dependencies. WCRE 2008: 49-58
28EENeil B. Harrison, Paris Avgeriou: Analysis of Architecture Pattern Usage in Legacy System Architecture Documentation. WICSA 2008: 147-156
27EEPatricia Lago, Paris Avgeriou, Rafael Capilla, Philippe Kruchten: Wishes and Boundaries for a Software Architecture Knowledge Community. WICSA 2008: 271-274
26EEUwe Zdun, Paris Avgeriou: A catalog of architectural primitives for modeling architectural patterns. Information & Software Technology 50(9-10): 1003-1034 (2008)
25EEAnton Jansen, Jan Bosch, Paris Avgeriou: Documenting after the fact: Recovering architectural design decisions. Journal of Systems and Software 81(4): 536-557 (2008)
24EENeil B. Harrison, Paris Avgeriou: Leveraging Architecture Patterns to Satisfy Quality Attributes. ECSA 2007: 263-270
23EEParis Avgeriou, Philippe Kruchten, Patricia Lago, Paul Grisham, Dewayne E. Perry: Sharig and Reusing Architectural Knowledge - Architecture, Rationale, and Design Intent. ICSE Companion 2007: 109-110
22EEAnton Jansen, Jan van der Ven, Paris Avgeriou, Dieter K. Hammer: Tool Support for Architectural Decisions. WICSA 2007: 4
21EEParis Avgeriou, Philippe Kruchten, Patricia Lago, Paul Grisham, Dewayne E. Perry: Architectural knowledge and rationale: issues, trends, challenges. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32(4): 41-46 (2007)
20EENeil B. Harrison, Paris Avgeriou, Uwe Zdun: Using Patterns to Capture Architectural Decisions. IEEE Software 24(4): 38-45 (2007)
19EEParis Avgeriou, Uwe Zdun, Isabelle Borne: Architecture-Centric Evolution: New Issues and Trends. ECOOP Workshops 2006: 97-105
18EEPatricia Lago, Paris Avgeriou: First workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(5): 32-36 (2006)
17EEParis Avgeriou, Peter Tandler: Architectural patterns for collaborative applications. IJCAT 25(2/3): 86-101 (2006)
16EEAxel Guicking, Peter Tandler, Paris Avgeriou: Agilo: A Highly Flexible Groupware Framework. CRIWG 2005: 49-56
15EEParis Avgeriou, Nicolas Guelfi: Resolving Architectural Mismatches of COTS Through Architectural Reconciliation. ICCBSS 2005: 248-257
14EEUwe Zdun, Paris Avgeriou: Modeling architectural patterns using architectural primitives. OOPSLA 2005: 133-146
13EEParis Avgeriou, Nicolas Guelfi, Gilles Perrouin: Evolution Through Architectural Reconciliation. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 127(3): 165-181 (2005)
12EEParis Avgeriou, Symeon Retalis: CRITON: A Hypermedia Design Tool. Multimedia Tools Appl. 27(1): 5-21 (2005)
11EESymeon Retalis, Paris Avgeriou: Editorial message: special track on engineering e-learning systems. SAC 2004: 909-910
10EEParis Avgeriou, Nicolas Guelfi, Nenad Medvidovic: Software Architecture Description and UML. UML Satellite Activities 2004: 23-32
9EEDionysios G. Synodinos, Paris Avgeriou: Hypermedia design for the mobile era. IJMC 2(3): 271-284 (2004)
8 Dionysios G. Synodinos, Paris Avgeriou: Leveraging hypermedia engineering for multi-channel access with the use of XML. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 18(5): 301 (2003)
7EEParis Avgeriou, Andreas Papasalouros, Symeon Retalis, Manolis Skordalakis: Towards a Pattern Language for Learning Management Systems. Educational Technology & Society 6(2): 11-24 (2003)
6EEParis Avgeriou, Symeon Retalis, Nikolaos Papaspyrou: Modeling learning technology systems as business systems. Software and System Modeling 2(2): 120-133 (2003)
5EEDionysios G. Synodinos, Paris Avgeriou: m-WOnDA: The "Write Once 'n' Deliver Anywhere" Model for Mobile Users. ER (Workshops) 2002: 205-216
4EEParis Avgeriou, Symeon Retalis, Manolis Skordalakis: Building Quality into Learning Management Systems - An Architecture-Centric Approach. ER (Workshops) 2002: 312-324
3EEDionysios G. Synodinos, Paris Avgeriou: WOnDA: An Extensible Multi-platform Hypermedia Design Model. OOIS Workshops 2002: 217-228
2 Paris Avgeriou, Symeon Retalis, Andreas Papasalouros, Manolis Skordalakis: Developing an Architecture for the Software Subsystem of a Learning Technology System - An Engineering Approach. ICALT 2001: 17-20
1EEParis Avgeriou, Symeon Retalis, Manolis Skordalakis: An Architecture for Open Learning Management Systems. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2001: 183-200

Coauthor Index

1Pierre America [29]
2Trosky B. Callo Arias [29]
3Isabelle Borne [19]
4Jan Bosch [25]
5Rafael Capilla [27]
6Schahram Dustdar [30]
7Paul Grisham [21] [23]
8Nicolas Guelfi [10] [13] [15]
9Axel Guicking [16]
10Dieter K. Hammer [22]
11Neil B. Harrison [20] [24] [28]
12Carsten Hentrich [30]
13Anton Jansen [22] [25] [31] [32]
14Ahmad Waqas Kamal [34]
15Philippe Kruchten [21] [23] [27] [33] [35] [36]
16Patricia Lago [18] [21] [23] [27] [33] [35] [36]
17Peng Liang [32]
18Nenad Medvidovic [10]
19Andreas Papasalouros [2] [7]
20Nikolaos Papaspyrou [6]
21Gilles Perrouin [13]
22Dewayne E. Perry [21] [23]
23Symeon Retalis [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [11] [12]
24Emmanuel Skordalakis (Manolis Skordalakis) [1] [2] [4] [7]
25Dionysios G. Synodinos [3] [5] [8] [9]
26Peter Tandler (Peter Seitz) [16] [17]
27Martijn van Veelen [31]
28Jan van der Ven [22]
29Tjaard de Vries [31]
30Uwe Zdun [14] [19] [20] [26] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)