
Godfried Augenbroe

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3 Zhaomin Ren, Tarek M. Hassan, Chimay J. Anumba, Godfried Augenbroe, Mauro Mangini: Electronic Contracting in the E-Engineering Hub. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: 235-244
2 Ricardo Mejía, Luis Canché, Ciro A. Rodríguez, Horacio Ahuett, Arturo Molina, Godfried Augenbroe: Designing A Hub to Offer E-Engineering Brokerage Services for Virtual Enterprises. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: 453-460
1 G. Schuh, Godfried Augenbroe, P. Wegehaupt: E-Hubs - Collaborative Engineering Enabled Through Web Broker Services. PRO-VE 2003: 389-396

Coauthor Index

1Horacio Ahuett [2]
2Chimay J. Anumba [3]
3Luis Canché [2]
4Tarek M. Hassan [3]
5Mauro Mangini [3]
6Ricardo Mejía [2]
7Arturo Molina [2]
8Zhaomin Ren [3]
9Ciro A. Rodríguez [2]
10G. Schuh [1]
11P. Wegehaupt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)