
Horacio Ahuett

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8EECarles Riba Romeva, Roberto Pérez, Horacio Ahuett, A. Jorge L. Sánchez, María D. Domínguez, G. Arturo Molina: Metrics for Evaluating Design of Reconfigurable Machine Tools. CDVE 2006: 234-241
7EEJoaquín Aca, Marcopolo Ramos, Jose L. Serrano, Horacio Ahuett, Arturo Molina: Concurrent Engineering of Mechatronic Products in Virtual Enterprises: Selection and Deployment of a PLM System for the Machine Tool Industry. CDVE 2006: 318-326
6EEHoracio Ahuett, Joaquín Aca, Arturo Molina: A Directed Evolution Modularity Framework for Design of Reconfigurable Machine Tools. CDVE 2005: 243-252
5EEArturo Molina, Ciro A. Rodríguez, Horacio Ahuett, J. A. Cortés, M. Ramírez, Gabriel Jiménez, S. Martinez: Next-generation manufacturing systems: key research issues in developing and integrating reconfigurable and intelligent machines. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18(7): 525-536 (2005)
4EERicardo Mejía, Joaquín Aca, Horacio Ahuett, Arturo Molina: Collaborative E-Engineering Environments to Support Integrated Product Development. BASYS 2004: 271-278
3EERoberto Pérez, Joaquín Aca, Andrés Valverde T., Horacio Ahuett, Arturo Molina, Carles Riba Romeva: A Modularity Framework for Concurrent Design of Reconfigurable Machine Tools. CDVE 2004: 87-95
2 Ricardo Mejía, Luis Canché, Ciro A. Rodríguez, Horacio Ahuett, Arturo Molina, Godfried Augenbroe: Designing A Hub to Offer E-Engineering Brokerage Services for Virtual Enterprises. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: 453-460
1 Joaquín Aca, Ricardo Mejía, Marcela Velandia, Eunice García, Nathalíe Galeano, Horacio Ahuett, Arturo Molina, Paul K. Wright: Integrated Product Development In Virtual Enterprises Supported By Web-Based Applications. PRO-VE 2003: 361-368

Coauthor Index

1Joaquín Aca [1] [3] [4] [6] [7]
2Godfried Augenbroe [2]
3Luis Canché [2]
4J. A. Cortés [5]
5María D. Domínguez [8]
6Nathalíe Galeano [1]
7Eunice García [1]
8Gabriel Jiménez [5]
9S. Martinez [5]
10Ricardo Mejía [1] [2] [4]
11Arturo Molina [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
12G. Arturo Molina [8]
13Roberto Pérez [3] [8]
14M. Ramírez [5]
15Marcopolo Ramos [7]
16Ciro A. Rodríguez [2] [5]
17Carles Riba Romeva [3] [8]
18A. Jorge L. Sánchez [8]
19Jose L. Serrano [7]
20Andrés Valverde T. [3]
21Marcela Velandia [1]
22Paul K. Wright [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)