
Agnese Augello

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12EEAgnese Augello, Gaetano Saccone, Salvatore Gaglio, Giovanni Pilato: Humorist Bot: Bringing Computational Humour in a Chat-Bot System. CISIS 2008: 703-708
11EESalvatore Gaglio, Giovanni Pilato, Roberto Pirrone, Orazio Gambino, Agnese Augello, Alessandro Caronia: A Java3D Talking Head for a Chatbot. CISIS 2008: 709-714
10EEAgnese Augello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio, Giovanni Pilato: Sentence Induced Transformations in "Conceptual" Spaces. ICSC 2008: 34-41
9EEGiovanni Pilato, Agnese Augello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio: EHeBby: An evocative humorist chat-bot. Mobile Information Systems 4(3): 165-181 (2008)
8EEGiovanni Pilato, Agnese Augello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio: Sub-Symbolic Semantic Layer in Cyc for Intuitive Chat-Bots. ICSC 2007: 121-128
7EEGiovanni Pilato, Agnese Augello, Mario Scriminaci, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio: Sub-symbolic Mapping of Cyc Microtheories in Data-Driven "Conceptual" Spaces. KES (1) 2007: 156-163
6EEGiovanni Pilato, Agnese Augello, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio: Geometric Algebra Rotors for Sub-symbolic Coding of Natural Language Sentences. KES (1) 2007: 42-51
5EEAntonella Santangelo, Agnese Augello, Salvatore Sorce, Giovanni Pilato, Antonio Gentile, Alessandro Genco, Salvatore Gaglio: A Virtual Shopper Customer Assistant in Pervasive Environments. OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 447-456
4EESalvatore Sorce, Agnese Augello, Antonella Santangelo, Giovanni Pilato, Antonio Gentile, Alessandro Genco, Salvatore Gaglio: A multimodal guide for the augmented campus. SIGUCCS 2007: 325-331
3 Antonella Santangelo, Agnese Augello, Antonio Gentile, Giovanni Pilato, Salvatore Gaglio: A Chat-bot based Multimodal Virtual Guide for Cultural Heritage Tours. PSC 2006: 114-120
2EEFrancesco Agostaro, Agnese Augello, Giovanni Pilato, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio: A Conversational Agent Based on a Conceptual Interpretation of a Data Driven Semantic Space. AI*IA 2005: 381-392
1 Giovanni Pilato, Giorgio Vassallo, Agnese Augello, Maria Vasile, Salvatore Gaglio: Expert chat-bots for cultural heritage. Intelligenza Artificiale 2(2): 25-31 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Francesco Agostaro [2]
2Alessandro Caronia [11]
3Salvatore Gaglio [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
4Orazio Gambino [11]
5Alessandro Genco [4] [5]
6Antonio Gentile [3] [4] [5]
7Giovanni Pilato [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
8Roberto Pirrone [11]
9Gaetano Saccone [12]
10Antonella Santangelo [3] [4] [5]
11Mario Scriminaci [7]
12Salvatore Sorce [4] [5]
13Maria Vasile [1]
14Giorgio Vassallo [1] [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)