
Colin Atkinson

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64EEColin Atkinson: Component-Oriented Verification of Software Architectures through Built-in Tests. ECSA 2008: 2
63EEColin Atkinson, Dietmar Stoll: Orthographic Modeling Environment. FASE 2008: 93-96
62 Colin Atkinson: Search-Driven Software Engineering. ICSOFT (PL/DPS/KE) 2008: 9-10
61 Colin Atkinson: Connectors in a Multi-Level Modeling Environment. ICSOFT (SE/MUSE/GSDCA) 2008: 301-301
60EEColin Atkinson, Daniel Brenner, Oliver Hummel, Dietmar Stoll: A Trustable Brokerage Solution for Component and Service Markets. ICSR 2008: 64-75
59EEMatthias Gutheil, Bastian Kennel, Colin Atkinson: A Systematic Approach to Connectors in a Multi-level Modeling Environment. MoDELS 2008: 843-857
58EEColin Atkinson, Dietmar Stoll: An Environment for the Orthographic Modeling of Workflow Components. PRIMIUM 2008
57 Daniel Brenner, Colin Atkinson: Simplifying the Description and Application of Tests. Software Engineering (Workshops) 2008: 435-438
56EEOliver Hummel, Werner Janjic, Colin Atkinson: Code Conjurer: Pulling Reusable Software out of Thin Air. IEEE Software 25(5): 45-52 (2008)
55EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Reducing accidental complexity in domain models. Software and System Modeling 7(3): 345-359 (2008)
54EEColin Atkinson, Philipp Bostan, Daniel Brenner, Giovanni Falcone, Matthias Gutheil, Oliver Hummel, Monika Juhasz, Dietmar Stoll: Modeling Components and Component-Based Systems in KobrA. CoCoME 2007: 54-84
53EEMichael Geisser, Tobias Hildenbrand, Franz Rothlauf, Colin Atkinson: An Evaluation Method for Requirements Engineering Approaches in Distributed Software Development Projects. ICSEA 2007: 39
52EEColin Atkinson, Philipp Bostan, Oliver Hummel, Dietmar Stoll: A Practical Approach to Web Service Discovery and Retrieval. ICWS 2007: 241-248
51 Oliver Hummel, Werner Janjic, Colin Atkinson: Evaluating the Efficiency of Retrieval Methods for Component Repositories. SEKE 2007: 404-409
50EEDaniel Brenner, Colin Atkinson, Oliver Hummel, Dietmar Stoll: Strategies for the Run-Time Testing of Third Party Web Services. SOCA 2007: 114-121
49EEOliver Hummel, Colin Atkinson: Supporting Agile Reuse Through Extreme Harvesting. XP 2007: 28-37
48 Colin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: A tour of language customization concepts. Advances in Computers 70: 105-161 (2007)
47EEDaniel Brenner, Colin Atkinson, Rainer Malaka, Matthias Merdes, Barbara Paech, Dima Suliman: Reducing verification effort in component-based software engineering through built-in testing. Information Systems Frontiers 9(2-3): 151-162 (2007)
46EEDima Suliman, Barbara Paech, Lars Borner, Colin Atkinson, Daniel Brenner, Matthias Merdes, Rainer Malaka: The MORABIT Approach to Runtime Component Testing. COMPSAC (2) 2006: 171-176
45EEMarkus Aleksy, Colin Atkinson, Philipp Bostan, Thomas Butter, Martin Schader: Interaction Styles for Service Discovery in Mobile Business Applications. DEXA Workshops 2006: 60-65
44EEDaniel Brenner, Colin Atkinson, Barbara Paech, Rainer Malaka, Matthias Merdes, Dima Suliman: Reducing Verification Effort in Component-Based Software Engineering through Built-In Testing. EDOC 2006: 175-184
43EEColin Atkinson, Christian Cuske, Tilo Dickopp: Concepts for an Ontology-centric Technology Risk Management Architecture in the Banking Industry. EDOC Workshops 2006: 21
42EEOliver Hummel, Colin Atkinson: Using the Web as a Reuse Repository. ICSR 2006: 298-311
41EEMatthias Merdes, Rainer Malaka, Dima Suliman, Barbara Paech, Daniel Brenner, Colin Atkinson: Ubiquitous RATs: how resource-aware run-time tests can improve ubiquitous software systems. SEM 2006: 55-62
40 Colin Atkinson, Matthias Gutheil, Kilian Kiko: On the Relationship of Ontologies and Models. WoMM 2006: 47-60
39EEOliver Hummel, Colin Atkinson: Automated Harvesting of Test Oracles for Reliability Testing. COMPSAC (2) 2005: 196-202
38 Giovanni Falcone, Nicolai Scheele, Wolfgang Effelsberg, Colin Atkinson: PartSim - Ein System zur Unterstützung interaktiver Simulationen in der Lehre. DeLFI 2005: 259-269
37EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Concepts for Comparing Modeling Tool Architectures. MoDELS 2005: 398-413
36 Hilmar Acker, Colin Atkinson, Peter Dadam, Stefanie Rinderle, Manfred Reichert: Aspekte der komponentenorientierten Entwicklung adaptiver prozessorientierter Unternehmenssoftware. AKA 2004: 7-24
35 Colin Atkinson, Matthias Gutheil, Oliver Hummel: Komponentenorientierter Entwurf von PIMs und CIMs mit der KobrA-Methode. AKA 2004: 93-110
34 Oliver Hummel, Colin Atkinson: Extreme Harvesting: Test Driven Discovery and Reuse of Software Components. IRI 2004: 66-72
33EEColin Atkinson, Oliver Hummel: Towards a Methodology for Component-Driven Design. RISE 2004: 23-33
32EEHans-Gerhard Groß, Colin Atkinson, Franck Barbier: Component Integration through Built-in Contract Testing. Component-Based Software Quality 2003: 159-183
31EEColin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Jürgen Wüst: Driving Component-Based Software Development through Quality Modelling. Component-Based Software Quality 2003: 207-224
30EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Aspect-Oriented Development with Stratified Frameworks. IEEE Software 20(1): 81-89 (2003)
29EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Model-Driven Development: A Metamodeling Foundation. IEEE Software 20(5): 36-41 (2003)
28EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Systematic stereotype usage. Software and System Modeling 2(3): 153-163 (2003)
27EEColin Atkinson, Dirk Muthig: Component-Based Product-Line Engineering with the UML. ICSR 2002: 343-344
26EEColin Atkinson, Dirk Muthig: Enhancing Component Reusability through Product Line Technology. ICSR 2002: 93-108
25EEMichalis Anastasopoulos, Colin Atkinson, Dirk Muthig: A Concrete Method for Developing and Applying Product Line Architectures. NetObjectDays 2002: 294-312
24EEDirk Muthig, Colin Atkinson: Model-Driven Product Line Architectures. SPLC 2002: 110-129
23EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Stereotypical Encounters of the Third Kind. UML 2002: 100-114
22EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Rearchitecting the UML infrastructure. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 12(4): 290-321 (2002)
21 Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Hans-Gerhard Groß, Thomas Kühne: Towards a General Component Model for Web-Based Applications. Ann. Software Eng. 13(1-4): 35-69 (2002)
20EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Profiles in a strict metamodeling framework. Sci. Comput. Program. 44(1): 5-22 (2002)
19EEColin Atkinson, Barbara Paech, Jens Reinhold, Torsten Sander: Developing and Applying Component-Based Model-Driven Architectures in KobrA. EDOC 2001: 212-223
18 Colin Atkinson, Joachim Bayer, Christian Bunse, Erik Kamsties, Oliver Laitenberger, Roland Laqua, Dirk Muthig, Barbara Paech, Jürgen Wüst, Jörg Zettel: Model-Driven Component-Based Product Line Enigneering: a Natural Synergy. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 808-811
17 Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Roland Laqua: KobrA meets Classic Component Technology. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 850-855
16EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: The Essence of Multilevel Metamodeling. UML 2001: 19-33
15 Colin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Stratified frameworks. Informatica (Slovenia) 25(3): (2001)
14 Colin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Processes and Products in a Multi-Level Metamodeling Architecture. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 11(6): 761-783 (2001)
13 Colin Atkinson, Joachim Bayer, Dirk Muthig: Component-based product line development: the KobrA Approach. SPLC 2000: 289-310
12EEColin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne: Strict Profiles: Why and How. UML 2000: 309-322
11EEOliver Laitenberger, Colin Atkinson, Maud Schlich, Khaled El Emam: An experimental comparison of reading techniques for defect detection in UML design documents. Journal of Systems and Software 53(2): 183-204 (2000)
10 Colin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne, Christian Bunse: Dimensions of Component Based Development. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 185-186
9EEOliver Laitenberger, Colin Atkinson: Generalizing Perspective-Based Inspection to Handle Object-Oriented Development Artifacts. ICSE 1999: 494-503
8 Brian Henderson-Sellers, Colin Atkinson, Donald Firesmith: A UML Variant: OML. UML 1999: 49-66
7 Christian Bunse, Colin Atkinson: The Normal Object Form: Bridging the Gap from Models to Code. UML 1999: 691-705
6 Colin Atkinson: Supporting and Applying the UML Conceptual Framework. UML 1998: 21-36
5EEColin Atkinson: Meta-Modeling for Distributed Object Environments. EDOC 1997: 90-
4EEM. Weisskopf, C. W. Irving, Charles McKay, Colin Atkinson, David Eichmann: Maintenance In a Dual-Lifecycle Software Engineering Process. ICSM 1996: 142-151
3 Colin Atkinson, David Eichmann, Charles McKay: An Evolution of a Software Engineering Curriculum. CSEE 1995: 99-112
2 Charles McKay, Colin Atkinson: Supporting the Evolution of Distributed, Non-stop, Mission and Safety Critical Systems. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(1): (1995)
1EEColin Atkinson, David Weller: Integrating Inheritance and Synchronization in Ada9X. TRI-Ada 1993: 229-241

Coauthor Index

1Hilmar Acker [36]
2Markus Aleksy [45]
3Michalis Anastasopoulos [25]
4Franck Barbier [32]
5Joachim Bayer [13] [18]
6Lars Borner [46]
7Philipp Bostan [45] [52] [54]
8Daniel Brenner [41] [44] [46] [47] [50] [54] [57] [60]
9Christian Bunse [7] [10] [17] [18] [21] [31]
10Thomas Butter [45]
11Christian Cuske [43]
12Peter Dadam [36]
13Tilo Dickopp [43]
14Wolfgang Effelsberg [38]
15David Eichmann [3] [4]
16Khaled El Emam [11]
17Giovanni Falcone [38] [54]
18Donald Firesmith (Donald G. Firesmith) [8]
19Michael Geisser [53]
20Hans-Gerhard Groß [21] [32]
21Matthias Gutheil [35] [40] [54] [59]
22Brian Henderson-Sellers [8] [23] [28]
23Tobias Hildenbrand [53]
24Oliver Hummel [33] [34] [35] [39] [42] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [56] [60]
25C. W. Irving [4]
26Werner Janjic [51] [56]
27Monika Juhasz [54]
28Erik Kamsties [18]
29Bastian Kennel [59]
30Kilian Kiko [40]
31Thomas Kühne [10] [12] [14] [15] [16] [20] [21] [22] [23] [28] [29] [30] [37] [48] [55]
32Oliver Laitenberger [9] [11] [18]
33Roland Laqua [17] [18]
34Rainer Malaka [41] [44] [46] [47]
35Charles McKay [2] [3] [4]
36Matthias Merdes [41] [44] [46] [47]
37Dirk Muthig [13] [18] [24] [25] [26] [27]
38Barbara Paech [18] [19] [41] [44] [46] [47]
39Manfred Reichert [36]
40Jens Reinhold [19]
41Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (Stefanie Rinderle) [36]
42Franz Rothlauf [53]
43Torsten Sander [19]
44Martin Schader [45]
45Nicolai Scheele [38]
46Maud Schlich [11]
47Dietmar Stoll [50] [52] [54] [58] [60] [63]
48Dima Suliman [41] [44] [46] [47]
49M. Weisskopf [4]
50David Weller [1]
51Jürgen Wüst [18] [31]
52Jörg Zettel [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)