
Yoshihiro Ashi

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3EEHiroki Ikeda, Jun Sugawa, Yoshihiro Ashi, Kenichi Sakamoto: High-Definition IPTV Broadcasting Architecture Over Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Network. GLOBECOM 2007: 2242-2246
2EEAkihiko Tanaka, Atsushi Iwamura, Masahiko Mizutani, Yoshihiro Ashi: A Development of Circuit Emulation System on TDM over Ethernet Comprising OAM and Protection Function. IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 668-674 (2006)
1 Masahiro Takatori, Yukio Nakano, Yoshihiro Ashi, Hiroyuki Fujita, Masao Mizukami, Kunihiro Itoh: A High Prformance Switch for OC-12 SONET Self-Healing Ring Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(2): 353-361 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Hiroyuki Fujita [1]
2Hiroki Ikeda [3]
3Kunihiro Itoh [1]
4Atsushi Iwamura [2]
5Masao Mizukami [1]
6Masahiko Mizutani [2]
7Yukio Nakano [1]
8Kenichi Sakamoto [3]
9Jun Sugawa [3]
10Masahiro Takatori [1]
11Akihiko Tanaka [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)