
Keijiro Araki

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38 Shaoying Liu, T. S. E. Maibaum, Keijiro Araki: Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 10th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2008, Kitakyushu-City, Japan, October 27-31, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
37 Eleazar Jiménez Serrano, Keijiro Araki, Shigeru Kusakabe: On the Row Vectors of the Set of Multiple and Simultaneous Controls with Controlled Dan/Petri Nets. IMECS 2007: 1516-1521
36EEEleazar Jiménez Serrano, Keijiro Araki, Shigeru Kusakabe: Enforcing the optimal set of controls for state feedback with non-redundant controllers. SMC 2007: 1394-1399
35 Zhiming Liu, Keijiro Araki: Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2004, First International Colloquium, Guiyang, China, September 20-24, 2004, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005
34EEKosuke Tomonaga, Masataka Ohta, Keijiro Araki: Privacy-Aware Location Dependent Services over Wireless Internet with Anycast. Human.Society@Internet 2005: 311-321
33EEYuji Arichika, Keijiro Araki: Reusable Formal Specification for Embedded Systems. APSEC 2004: 557-558
32 Keijiro Araki, Stefania Gnesi, Dino Mandrioli: FME 2003: Formal Methods, International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Pisa, Italy, September 8-14, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
31EEYoshikazu Watanabe, Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki: Study on Merge of Overlapped TCP Traffic Using Reliable Multicast Transport. ICOIN 2003: 253-262
30EEKensuke Shibata, Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki: Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Protocol Selection Architecture for Reliable Multicast. SAINT 2002: 262-269
29EEKentaro Takei, Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki: Design of Gateway System between Different Signalling Protocols of the Multimedia Session on the Internet. ICOIN 2001: 297-
28EEMoto yuki Ohmori, Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki: Design of Scalable Interdomain IP Multicast Architecture. ICOIN 2001: 819-824
27EEMasataka Sonoda, Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki: Design of General Reliable Multicast Architecture with Active Network Framework. ICOIN 2001: 825-830
26 Keijiro Araki, Andy Galloway, Kenji Taguchi: Integrated Formal Methods, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, IFM 99, York, UK, 28-29 June 1999 Springer 1999
25EEHiroshi Maruyama, Keijiro Araki: VRML Program Slicing. APSEC 1999: 355-358
24 Mariko Sasakura, Kazuki Joe, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Keijiro Araki: NaraView: An Interactive 3D Visualization System for Parallelization of Programs. International Journal of Parallel Programming 27(2): 111-129 (1999)
23EETsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Keijiro Araki, Akira Fukuda: Estimating minimum parallel execution time of loops with loop-carried dependencies. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(10): 57-68 (1999)
22 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: What does the Landscape of a Hopfield Associative Memory Look Like? Evolutionary Programming 1998: 647-656
21EEKenji Taguchi, Keijiro Araki: A Calculus Based on the Agent-Place Model. ICFEM 1998: 56-63
20 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: How Real-valued Random Synapses Evolve Toward Symmetry with Diploid Chromosomes? NC 1998: 164-169
19EEAkira Imada, Keijiro Araki: Can a Niching Method Locate Multiple Attractors Embedded in the Hopfield Network? SEAL 1998: 325-332
18 Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Kazuki Joe, Keijiro Araki, Makoto Amamiya: High Performance Computing, International Symposium, ISHPC'97, Fukuoka, Japan, November 4-6, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
17 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: Searching Real-Valued Synaptic Weights of Hopfield's Associative Memory Using Evolutionary Programming. Evolutionary Programming 1997: 13-22
16 Kenji Taguchi, Keijiro Araki: The State-Based CCS Semantics for Concurrent Z Specification. ICFEM 1997: 283-292
15 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: Evolution of Hopfield Model of Associative Memory by the Breeder Genetic Algorithm. ICGA 1997: 784-791
14 Mariko Sasakura, Kazuki Joe, Keijiro Araki: NaraView: An Interactive 3D Visualization System for Parallelization of Programs. ISHPC 1997: 231-242
13 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: Random Perturbations to Hebbian Synapses of Associative Memory Using a Genetic Algorithm. IWANN 1997: 398-407
12EEKenji Taguchi, Keijiro Araki: Extending Z with State Transition Constraints. COMPSAC 1996: 246-260
11EESyouri Kouno, Han-Myung Chang, Keijiro Araki: Consistency Checking between Data and Process Diagrams Based on Formal Methods. COMPSAC 1996: 261-269
10 Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Keijiro Araki, Akira Fukuda: Estimating Parallel Execution Time of Loops with Loop-Carried Dependencies. ICPP, Vol. 3 1996: 61-69
9 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: Lamarckian Evolution of Associative Memory. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 676-680
8 Mariko Sasakura, Satoko Kiwada, Kazuki Joe, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Keijiro Araki: 3D Visualization of Program Structure and Data Dependence for Parallelizing Compilers and Parallel Programming. LCPC 1996: 591-593
7 Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Keijiro Araki, Akira Fukuda: Estimating Minimum Execution Time of Perfect Loop Nests with Loop-Carried Dependences. LCPC 1996: 597-599
6EEIan J. Hayes, Keijiro Araki, David J. Duke, Val E. Veraart: Are Formal Methods Relevant? APSEC 1995: 513
5 Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki: Genetic Algorithm Enlarges the Capacity of Associative Memory. ICGA 1995: 413-420
4 Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Hideki Saito, Akira Fukuda, Keijiro Araki: The CDP2 Partitioning Algorithm a Combined End Program Partitioning Algorithm on the Data Partitioning Graph. ICPP (2) 1995: 177-181
3 Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Akira Fukuda, Keijiro Araki, Hideki Saito, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos: The Data Partitioning Graph: Extending Data and Control Dependencies for Data Partitioning. LCPC 1994: 170-185
2 Keijiro Araki, Zengo Furukawa, Jingde Cheng: A General Framework for Debugging. IEEE Software 8(3): 14-20 (1991)
1 Eiichi Goto, Keijiro Araki, Taiichi Yuasa: RIMS Symposia on Software Science and Engineering II, Proceedings of the Symposia 1983 and 1984, Kyoto, Japan Springer 1986

Coauthor Index

1Makoto Amamiya [18]
2Yuji Arichika [33]
3Han-Myung Chang [11]
4Jingde Cheng [2]
5David J. Duke [6]
6Akira Fukuda [3] [4] [7] [10] [23]
7Zengo Furukawa [2]
8Andy Galloway [26]
9Stefania Gnesi [32]
10Eiichi Goto [1]
11Ian J. Hayes [6]
12Akira Imada [5] [9] [13] [15] [17] [19] [20] [22]
13Kazuki Joe [3] [4] [7] [8] [10] [14] [18] [23] [24]
14Satoko Kiwada [8]
15Syouri Kouno [11]
16Yoshitoshi Kunieda [24]
17Shigeru Kusakabe [36] [37]
18Shaoying Liu [38]
19Zhiming Liu [35]
20T. S. E. Maibaum (Thomas Stephen Edward Maibaum) [38]
21Dino Mandrioli [32]
22Hiroshi Maruyama [25]
23Tsuneo Nakanishi [3] [4] [7] [8] [10] [23]
24Moto yuki Ohmori [28]
25Masataka Ohta [34]
26Koji Okamura [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
27Constantine D. Polychronopoulos [3] [7] [10] [18] [23]
28Hideki Saito [3] [4]
29Mariko Sasakura [8] [14] [24]
30Eleazar Jiménez Serrano [36] [37]
31Kensuke Shibata [30]
32Masataka Sonoda [27]
33Kenji Taguchi [12] [16] [21] [26]
34Kentaro Takei [29]
35Kosuke Tomonaga [34]
36Val E. Veraart [6]
37Yoshikazu Watanabe [31]
38Taiichi Yuasa [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)