
Ludovic Apvrille

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10EERashid Muhammad, Ludovic Apvrille, Renaud Pacalet: Application Specific Processors for Multimedia Applications. CSE 2008: 109-116
9EERashid Muhammad, Ludovic Apvrille, Renaud Pacalet: Evaluation of ASIPs Design with LISATek. SAMOS 2008: 177-186
8EESolange Ahumada, Ludovic Apvrille, Tomás Barros, Antonio Cansado, Eric Madelaine, Emil Salageanu: Specifying Fractal and GCM Components with UML. SCCC 2007: 53-62
7EEMuhammad Waseem, Ludovic Apvrille, Rabéa Ameur-Boulifa, Sophie Coudert, Renaud Pacalet: Abstract Application Modeling for System Design Space Exploration. DSD 2006: 331-337
6EELudovic Apvrille, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, Ferhat Khendek: TURTLE-P: a UML profile for the formal validation of critical and distributed systems. Software and System Modeling 5(4): 449-466 (2006)
5EELudovic Apvrille, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, Patrick Sénac, Christophe Lohr: Verifying Service Continuity in a Dynamic Reconfiguration Procedure: Application to a Satellite System. Autom. Softw. Eng. 11(2): 167-191 (2004)
4EELudovic Apvrille, Jean-Pierre Courtiat, Christophe Lohr, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes: TURTLE: A Real-Time UML Profile Supported by a Formal Validation Toolkit. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(7): 473-487 (2004)
3EEChristophe Lohr, Ludovic Apvrille, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, Jean-Pierre Courtiat: New Operators for the TURTLE Real-Time UML Profile. FMOODS 2003: 214-228
2EELudovic Apvrille, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, Christophe Lohr, Patrick Sénac, Jean-Pierre Courtiat: A New UML Profile for Real-Time System Formal Design and Validation. UML 2001: 287-301
1EELudovic Apvrille, Laurent Dairaine, Patrick Sénac, Luis Rojas-Cardenas, Michel Diaz: Implementing a User Level Multimedia Transport Protocol in Java. ISCC 2000: 410-416

Coauthor Index

1Solange Ahumada [8]
2Rabéa Ameur-Boulifa (Rabéa Boulifa) [7]
3Tomás Barros [8]
4Antonio Cansado [8]
5Sophie Coudert [7]
6Jean-Pierre Courtiat [2] [3] [4]
7Laurent Dairaine [1]
8Michel Diaz [1]
9Ferhat Khendek [6]
10Christophe Lohr [2] [3] [4] [5]
11Eric Madelaine [8]
12Rashid Muhammad [9] [10]
13Renaud Pacalet [7] [9] [10]
14Luis Rojas-Cardenas [1]
15Emil Salageanu [8]
16Pierre de Saqui-Sannes [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
17Patrick Sénac [1] [2] [5]
18Muhammad Waseem [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)