
Alain April

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13EEAlain April, Alain Abran: A Software Maintenance Maturity Model (S3M): Measurement Practices at Maturity Levels 3 and 4. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 233: 73-87 (2009)
12EEJean-Daniel Cryans, Alain April, Alain Abran: Criteria to Compare Cloud Computing with Current Database Technology. IWSM/Metrikon/Mensura 2008: 114-126
11 Alain April, Naji Habra, Arnaud Counet: Software Maintenance Maturity Model (S3mDSS) A Decision Support System. SEKE 2008: 60-66
10EEJane Huffman Hayes, Alex Dekhtyar, Senthil Karthikeyan Sundaram, Elizabeth Ashlee Holbrook, Sravanthi Vadlamudi, Alain April: REquirements TRacing On target (RETRO): improving software maintenance through traceability recovery. ISSE 3(3): 193-202 (2007)
9 Alain April, Jean-Marc Desharnais, Reiner R. Dumke: A Formalism of Ontology to Support a Software Maintenance Knowledge-based System. SEKE 2006: 331-336
8 Alain April, Jean-Marc Desharnais: Software Maintenance Expert System (SMXPERT) - a Decision Support Instrument. ICEIS (2) 2005: 142-148
7EEAlain April, Jane Huffman Hayes, Alain Abran, Reiner R. Dumke: Software Maintenance Maturity Model (SMmm): the software maintenance process model. Journal of Software Maintenance 17(3): 197-223 (2005)
6EEAlain April, Alain Abran, Reiner R. Dumke: SMCMM Model to Evaluate and Improve the Quality of the Software Maintenance Process. CSMR 2004: 243-248
5 Alain April, Alain Abran, Reiner R. Dumke: Assessment of software maintenance capability: A model and its architecture. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 309-314
4EEPierre Bourque, Luigi Buglione, Alain Abran, Alain April: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels for Three Software Engineer Profiles. STEP 2003: 123-129
3 Alain April, Alain Abran, Ettore Merlo: Process Assurance Audits: Lessons Learned. ICSE 1998: 482-485
2EEAlain April, Ettore Merlo, Alain Abran: A Reverse Engineering Approach to Evaluate Function Point Rules. WCRE 1997: 236-246
1 Robert Godin, Rokia Missaoui, Alain April: Experimental Comparison of Navigation in a Galois Lattice with Conventional Information Retrieval Methods. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38(5): 747-767 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Alain Abran [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12] [13]
2Pierre Bourque [4]
3Luigi Buglione [4]
4Arnaud Counet [11]
5Jean-Daniel Cryans [12]
6Alex Dekhtyar [10]
7Jean-Marc Desharnais [8] [9]
8Reiner R. Dumke [5] [6] [7] [9]
9Robert Godin [1]
10Naji Habra [11]
11Jane Huffman Hayes [7] [10]
12Elizabeth Ashlee Holbrook [10]
13Ettore Merlo [2] [3]
14Rokia Missaoui [1]
15Senthil Karthikeyan Sundaram [10]
16Sravanthi Vadlamudi [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)