
Keiichi Aoki

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7 Keiichi Aoki, Hiroki Maruoka, Koichi Wada, Masaaki Ono: Performance evaluation of offloading software modules to cluster network. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 51-56
6EEKeiichi Aoki, Hiroki Maruoka, Koichi Wada, Masaaki Ono: Architecture and Performance of Dynamic Offloader for Cluster Network. ISPA 2006: 6-17
5EEShinichi Yamagiwa, Leonel Sousa, Kevin Ferreira, Keiichi Aoki, Masaaki Ono, Koichi Wada: Maestro2: Experimental Evaluation of Communication Performance Improvement Techniques in the Link Layer. Journal of Interconnection Networks 7(2): 295-318 (2006)
4 Shinichi Yamagiwa, Keiichi Aoki, Koichi Wada: Performance Enhancement of Inter-Cluster Communication with Software-based Data Compression Link Layer. IASTED PDCS 2005: 516-523
3EEShinichi Yamagiwa, Keiichi Aoki, Koichi Wada: Active Zero-copy: A performance study of non-deterministic messaging. ISPDC 2005: 325-332
2 Keiichi Aoki, Koichi Wada, Masaaki Ono, Shinichi Yamagiwa: High Performance Message Passing Library for Maestro2 Cluster Network. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2005: 199-204
1EEKevin Ferreira, Shinichi Yamagiwa, Leonel Sousa, Keiichi Aoki, Koichi Wada, Luis Miguel Campos: Distributed Shared Memory System Based on the Maestro2 High Performance Cluster Network. ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 91-96

Coauthor Index

1Luis Miguel Campos [1]
2Kevin Ferreira [1] [5]
3Hiroki Maruoka [6] [7]
4Masaaki Ono [2] [5] [6] [7]
5Leonel Sousa (Leonel Augusto Sousa) [1] [5]
6Koichi Wada [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Shinichi Yamagiwa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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