
Keith Andrews

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21EEVedran Sabol, Keith Andrews, Wolfgang Kienreich, Michael Granitzer: Text mapping: Visualising unstructured, structured, and time-based text collections. Intelligent Decision Technologies 2(2): 117-128 (2008)
20EEKeith Andrews, Werner Putz, Alexander Nussbaumer: The Hierarchical Visualisation System (HVS). IV 2007: 257-262
19EEKeith Andrews, Janka Kasanicka: A Comparative Study of Four Hierarchy Browsers using the Hierarchical Visualisation Testing Environment (HVTE). IV 2007: 81-86
18EEKeith Andrews: Evaluating information visualisations. BELIV 2006: 1-5
17EEAndreas S. Rath, Mark Kröll, Keith Andrews, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Michael Granitzer, Klaus Tochtermann: Synergizing Standard and Ad-Hoc Processes. PAKM 2006: 267-278
16EEMichael Granitzer, Wolfgang Kienreich, Vedran Sabol, Keith Andrews, Werner Klieber: Evaluating a System for Interactive Exploration of Large, Hierarchically Structured Document Repositories. INFOVIS 2004: 127-134
15EEKeith Andrews: Visual Exploration of Large Hierarchies with Information Pyramids. IV 2002: 793-
14EEVedran Sabol, Wolfgang Kienreich, Michael Granitzer, Jutta Becker, Klaus Tochtermann, Keith Andrews: Applications of a Lightweight, Web-Based Retrieval, Clustering, and Visualisation Framework. PAKM 2002: 359-368
13EEKeith Andrews, Wolfgang Kienreich, Vedran Sabol, Jutta Becker, Georg Droschl, Frank Kappe, Michael Granitzer, Peter Auer, Klaus Tochtermann: The InfoSky visual explorer: exploiting hierarchical structure and document similarities. Information Visualization 1(3-4): 166-181 (2002)
12 Keith Andrews: Web Usabiltiy on the Cheap. Mensch-Computer Interaktion im 21. Jahrhundert 2001: 83-95
11 Keith Andrews, Christian Gütl, Josef Moser, Vedran Sabol, Wilfried Lackner: Search Result Visualisation with xFIND. UIDIS 2001: 50-58
10EEKeith Andrews, Andreas Pesendorfer, Michael Pichler, Karl Heinz Wagenbrunn, Josef Wolte: Looking Inside VRwave: The Architecture and Interface of the VRwave VRML97 Browser. VRML 1998: 77-82
9EENahum D. Gershon, Keith Andrews, Stephen G. Eick, James D. Foley, William Ruh: Visualizing the Internet: Putting the User in the Driver's Seat. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 163-164
8 Hermann A. Maurer, Keith Andrews, Nick Scherbakov: Browsing hypermedia composites: An algebraic approach. WebNet 1996
7EEKeith Andrews, Frank Kappe, Hermann A. Maurer: Hyper-G and harmony: towards the next generation of networked information technology. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 33-34
6 Keith Andrews, Hermann A. Maurer, Nick Scherbakov: Semantic Modeling of Object-Oriented Hypermedia Databases. EWHCI 1995: 121-134
5EEMichael Pichler, Gerbert Orasche, Keith Andrews, Ed Grossman, Mark P. McCahill: VRweb: A Multi-System VRML Viewer. VRML 1995: 77-85
4EEKeith Andrews, Frank Kappe, Hermann A. Maurer: Serving Information to the Web with Hyper-G. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(6): 919-926 (1995)
3EEKeith Andrews, Frank Kappe, Hermann A. Maurer: The Hyper-G Network Information System. J. UCS 1(4): 206-220 (1995)
2 Keith Andrews, Michael Pichler: Hooking Up 3-Space: Three-Dimensional Models as Fully-Fledged Hypermedia Documents. MHVR 1994: 28-44
1EEKeith Andrews, Frank Kappe, Hermann A. Maurer, Klaus Schmaranz: On Second Generation Hypermedia Systems. J. UCS 0(0): 127-135 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Auer [13]
2Jutta Becker [13] [14]
3Georg Droschl [13]
4Stephen G. Eick [9]
5James D. Foley [9]
6Nahum D. Gershon [9]
7Michael Granitzer [13] [14] [16] [17] [21]
8Ed Grossman [5]
9Christian Gütl [11]
10Frank Kappe [1] [3] [4] [7] [13]
11Janka Kasanicka [19]
12Wolfgang Kienreich [13] [14] [16] [21]
13Werner Klieber [16]
14Mark Kröll [17]
15Wilfried Lackner [11]
16Stefanie N. Lindstaedt [17]
17Hermann A. Maurer [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
18Mark P. McCahill [5]
19Josef Moser [11]
20Alexander Nussbaumer [20]
21Gerbert Orasche [5]
22Andreas Pesendorfer [10]
23Michael Pichler [2] [5] [10]
24Werner Putz [20]
25Andreas S. Rath [17]
26William Ruh [9]
27Vedran Sabol [11] [13] [14] [16] [21]
28Nick Scherbakov [6] [8]
29Klaus Schmaranz [1]
30Klaus Tochtermann [13] [14] [17]
31Karl Heinz Wagenbrunn [10]
32Josef Wolte [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)