
Hans H. K. Andersen

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9EEGiovanni Semeraro, Verner Andersen, Hans H. K. Andersen, Marco Degemmis, Pasquale Lops: User profiling and virtual agents: a case study on e-commerce services. Universal Access in the Information Society 7(3): 179-194 (2008)
8 Hans H. K. Andersen, Gunnar Hauland: Studying Operator behaviour During a Simple but safety critical Task. Human Error, Safety and Systems Development 2004: 209-222
7EEHanne Albrechtsen, Hans H. K. Andersen, Bryan Cleal: Work Centered Evaluation of Collaborative Systems - The Collate Experience. WETICE 2004: 167-172
6EEVerner Andersen, Hans H. K. Andersen, Marco Degemmis, Oriana Licchelli, Pasquale Lops, Fabio Zambetta: A Methodological Approach for Designing and Evaluating Intelligent Applications for Digital Collections. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(8-9): 745-771 (2003)
5 Hans H. K. Andersen, Verner Andersen: Evaluation of an e-commerce Agent. IC-AI 2002: 64-70
4EEGiovanni Semeraro, Hans H. K. Andersen, Verner Andersen, Pasquale Lops, Fabio Abbattista: Evaluation and Validation of a Conversational Agent Embodied in a Bookstore. User Interfaces for All 2002: 360-374
3EEMorten Hertzum, Hans H. K. Andersen, Verner Andersen, Camilla B. Hansen: Trust in information sources: seeking information from people, documents, and virtual agents. Interacting with Computers 14(5): 575-599 (2002)
2 Verner Andersen, Hans H. K. Andersen, Camilla B. Hansen: Evaluation and Specification of Agents for E-Commerce Based on Focus Group Experiment. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 254-260
1EEIvar Moltke, Hans H. K. Andersen: Cooperative Buildings - The Case of office VISION. CoBuild 1998: 163-176

Coauthor Index

1Fabio Abbattista [4]
2Hanne Albrechtsen [7]
3Verner Andersen [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]
4Bryan Cleal [7]
5Marco Degemmis [6] [9]
6Camilla B. Hansen [2] [3]
7Gunnar Hauland [8]
8Morten Hertzum [3]
9Oriana Licchelli [6]
10Pasquale Lops [4] [6] [9]
11Ivar Moltke [1]
12Giovanni Semeraro [4] [9]
13Fabio Zambetta [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)