
Qiusheng An

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5EEQiusheng An: The Study of Some Important Theoretical Problems for Rough Relational Database. RSFDGrC 2007: 550-556
4EEQiusheng An, WenXiu Zhang: The Measures Relationships Study of Three Soft Rules Based on Granular Computing. RSKT 2006: 371-376
3EEQiusheng An, Yusheng Zhang, WenXiu Zhang: The study of rough relational database based on granular computing. GrC 2005: 108-111
2EEQiusheng An, Junyi Shen: Granular Computing on Extensional Functional Dependencies for Information System. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 186-191
1EEQiusheng An, Guoyin Wang, Junyi Shen, Jiucheng Xu: Querying Data from RRDB Based on Rough Sets Theory. RSFDGrC 2003: 342-345

Coauthor Index

1Junyi Shen [1] [2]
2Guoyin Wang [1]
3Jiucheng Xu [1]
4WenXiu Zhang [3] [4]
5Yusheng Zhang [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)