
Syed Obaid Amin

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6EEMuhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Syed Obaid Amin, Choong Seon Hong: A Management Framework for IMS Using Service Managed Objects. APNOMS 2008: 483-486
5EESyed Obaid Amin, Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Choong Seon Hong: A novel IPv6 traceback architecture using COPS protocol. Annales des Télécommunications 63(3-4): 207-221 (2008)
4EEMuhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Syed Obaid Amin, Choong Seon Hong: On a Low Security Overhead Mechanism for Secure Multi-path Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Network. APNOMS 2007: 466-475
3EESyed Obaid Amin, Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Choong Seon Hong: Building Scalable and Robust Architecture for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks with the help of Design Patterns. MUE 2007: 1046-1050
2EESyed Obaid Amin, Choong Seon Hong, Ki Young Kim: Tracing the True Source of an IPv6 Datagram Using Policy Based Management System. APNOMS 2006: 263-272
1EESyed Obaid Amin, Myung Soo Kang, Choong Seon Hong: A Lightweight IP Traceback Mechanism on IPv6. EUC Workshops 2006: 671-680

Coauthor Index

1Choong Seon Hong [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Myung Soo Kang [1]
3Ki Young Kim [2]
4Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)