
Christopher V. Alvino

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7EELeo Grady, Christopher V. Alvino: Reformulating and Optimizing the Mumford-Shah Functional on a Graph - A Faster, Lower Energy Solution. ECCV (1) 2008: 248-261
6EEChristopher V. Alvino, Gozde B. Unal, Gregory G. Slabaugh, Bertrand Peny, Tong Fang: Efficient segmentation based on Eikonal and diffusion equations. Int. J. Comput. Math. 84(9): 1309-1324 (2007)
5EEBertrand Peny, Gozde B. Unal, Gregory G. Slabaugh, Tong Fang, Christopher V. Alvino: Efficient and Robust Segmentations Based on Eikonal and Diffusion PDEs. IWICPAS 2006: 339-348
4EEChristopher V. Alvino, Allen Tannenbaum, Anthony J. Yezzi, Cecilia Curry: Multigrid computation of rotationally invariant non-linear optical flow. ICIP (3) 2005: 1296-1299
3EEChristopher V. Alvino, Anthony J. Yezzi Jr.: Tomographic Reconstruction of Piecewise Smooth Images. CVPR (1) 2004: 576-581
2EEChristopher V. Alvino, Anthony J. Yezzi: A Scale Space for Contour Registration Using Minimal Surfaces. Scale-Space 2003: 164-179
1EELucas C. Parra, Christopher V. Alvino, Akaysha C. Tang, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Nick Yeung, Allen Osman, Paul Sajda: Single-trial detection in EEG and MEG: Keeping it linear. Neurocomputing 52-54: 177-183 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Cecilia Curry [4]
2Tong Fang [5] [6]
3Leo Grady [7]
4Allen Osman [1]
5Lucas C. Parra [1]
6Barak A. Pearlmutter [1]
7Bertrand Peny [5] [6]
8Paul Sajda [1]
9Gregory G. Slabaugh (Greg G. Slabaugh) [5] [6]
10Akaysha C. Tang [1]
11Allen Tannenbaum [4]
12Gozde B. Unal [5] [6]
13Nick Yeung [1]
14Anthony J. Yezzi (Anthony J. Yezzi Jr.) [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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