
Ferda Nur Alpaslan

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17EEGeorgios A. Dafoulas, Kathleen M. Swigger, Robert P. Brazile, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Victor Lopez Cabrera, Fatma Cemile Serçe: Global Teams: Futuristic Models of Collaborative Work for Today's Software Development Industry. HICSS 2009: 1-10
16EEFatma Cemile Serçe, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Lakhmi C. Jain: Intelligent learning system for online learning. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 5(3): 129-141 (2008)
15 Semra Dogandag, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: Mapping From MPEG-7 to OWL. SWWS 2007: 91-95
14EEKamil Adiloglu, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: A machine learning approach to two-voice counterpoint composition. Knowl.-Based Syst. 20(3): 300-309 (2007)
13 Bruno Apolloni, Ashish Ghosh, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Lakhmi C. Jain, Srikanta Patnaik: Machine Learning and Robot Perception Springer 2005
12 Dilek Arslan, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: A control system using behaviour hierarchies and neuro-fuzzy approach. ICINCO 2005: 222-229
11EEOrkunt Sabuncu, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Varol Akman: Using Criticalities as a Heuristic for Answer Set Programming. LPNMR 2004: 234-246
10EEKathleen M. Swigger, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Robert P. Brazile, Michael Monticino: Effects of culture on computer-supported international collaborations. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 60(3): 365-380 (2004)
9EEN. Arzu Sisman-Yilmaz, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Lakhmi C. Jain: ANFISunfoldedintime for multivariate time series forecasting. Neurocomputing 61: 139-168 (2004)
8EEOrkunt Sabuncu, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Varol Akman: Using Criticalities as a Heuristics for Answer Set Programming. Answer Set Programming 2003
7 Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Lakhmi C. Jain: Virtual AI Classroom: A Proposal. HIS 2001: 485-495
6EEBülent Ozdemir, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Student Guidance in Web-Based Courses. ADVIS 2000: 437-448
5EEBülent Ozdemir, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: An intelligent tutoring system for student guidance in Web-based courses. KES 2000: 835-839
4EEVarol Akman, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: Strawson on Intended Meaning and Context. CONTEXT 1999: 1-14
3EEN. Arzu Sisman, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: Temporal neurofuzzy MAR algorithm for time series data in rule-based systems. KES (2) 1998: 316-320
2EED. Durmaz, Ferda Nur Alpaslan: Hyperbox model for fuzzy rule evaluation in neural networks. KES (2) 1998: 321-328
1EEFerda Nur Alpaslan, E. Bilen, Lakhmi C. Jain: A temporal neurofuzzy model for rule-based systems. KES (2) 1997: 690-695

Coauthor Index

1Kamil Adiloglu [14]
2Varol Akman [4] [8] [11]
3Bruno Apolloni [13]
4Dilek Arslan [12]
5E. Bilen [1]
6Robert P. Brazile [10] [17]
7Victor Lopez Cabrera [17]
8Georgios A. Dafoulas [17]
9Semra Dogandag [15]
10D. Durmaz [2]
11Ashish Ghosh [13]
12Lakhmi C. Jain [1] [7] [9] [13] [16]
13Michael Monticino [10]
14Bülent Ozdemir [5] [6]
15Srikanta Patnaik [13]
16Orkunt Sabuncu [8] [11]
17Fatma Cemile Serçe [16] [17]
18N. Arzu Sisman [3]
19N. Arzu Sisman-Yilmaz [9]
20Kathleen M. Swigger [10] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)