
Carlos de Alfonso

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7EEJosé M. Alonso, Carlos de Alfonso, Gabriel García, Vicente Hernández: GRID technology for structural analysis. Advances in Engineering Software 38(11-12): 738-749 (2007)
6EECarlos de Alfonso, Miguel Caballer, José V. Carrión, Vicente Hernández: gCitizen: A Grid Middleware for a Transparent Management of the Information about Citizens in the Public Administration. JTAER 2(1): 18-32 (2007)
5EECarlos de Alfonso, Miguel Caballer, José V. Carrión, Vicente Hernández: Distributed General Logging Architecture for Grid Environments. VECPAR 2006: 589-600
4EECarlos de Alfonso, Miguel Caballer, José V. Carrión, Vicente Hernández: gCitizen: Using Grids for Creating an Integrated View of the Citizen in an eGovernment Framework. WETICE 2006: 233-238
3EEJose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos de Alfonso, Vicente Hernández: Computation of Ternary Covering Arrays Using a Grid. AACC 2004: 240-246
2EEJosé M. Alonso, Carlos de Alfonso, Gabriel García, Vicente Hernández: Parallel and Grid Computing in 3D Analysis of Large Dimmension Structural Systems. Euro-Par 2004: 487-496
1EECarlos de Alfonso, Ignacio Blanquer, Vicente Hernández, Damià Segrelles: A Web-Based Application Service Provision Architecture for Enabling High-Performance Image Processing. VECPAR 2004: 260-273

Coauthor Index

1José M. Alonso [2] [7]
2Ignacio Blanquer [1]
3Miguel Caballer [4] [5] [6]
4José V. Carrión [4] [5] [6]
5Gabriel García [2] [7]
6Vicente Hernández [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Damià Segrelles [1]
8Jose Torres-Jimenez [3]

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