
Dario Albesano

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8EEDario Albesano, Roberto Gemello, Pietro Laface, Franco Mana, Stefano Scanzio: Adaptation of Artificial Neural Networks Avoiding Catastrophic Forgetting. IJCNN 2006: 1554-1561
7EERoberto Gemello, Franco Mana, Dario Albesano, Renato de Mori: Multiple resolution analysis for robust automatic speech recognition. Computer Speech & Language 20(1): 2-21 (2006)
6EERenato de Mori, Loreta Moisa, Roberto Gemello, Franco Mana, Dario Albesano: Augmenting standard speech recognition features with energy gravity centres. Computer Speech & Language 15(4): 341-354 (2001)
5EERoberto Gemello, Dario Albesano, Franco Mana: CSELT Hybrid HMM/Neural Networks Technology for Continuous Speech Recognition. IJCNN (5) 2000: 103-110
4EERoberto Gemello, Dario Albesano, Franco Mana, Loreta Moisa: Multi-Source Neural Networks for Speech Recognition: A Review of Recent Results. IJCNN (5) 2000: 265-270
3 Dario Albesano, Roberto Gemello, Franco Mana: Hybrid HMM-NN modeling of stationary-transitional units for continuous speech recognition. Inf. Sci. 123(1-2): 3-11 (2000)
2 Dario Albesano, Roberto Gemello, Franco Mana: Speeding up MLP Execution through Difference Forward Propagation. Neural Processing Letters 8(2): 163-179 (1998)
1EEDario Albesano, Paolo Baggia, Morena Danieli, Roberto Gemello, Elisabetta Gerbino, Claudio Rullent: Dialogos: a Robust System for Human-Machine Spoken Dialogue on the Telephone CoRR cmp-lg/9612004: (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Baggia [1]
2Morena Danieli [1]
3Roberto Gemello [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Elisabetta Gerbino [1]
5Pietro Laface [8]
6Franco Mana [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Loreta Moisa [4] [6]
8Renato de Mori [6] [7]
9Claudio Rullent [1]
10Stefano Scanzio [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)