
Sameer H. Al-Sakran

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6EEJohn R. Koza, Sameer H. Al-Sakran, Lee W. Jones: Automated ab initio synthesis of complete designs of four patented optical lens systems by means of genetic programming. AI EDAM 22(3): 249-273 (2008)
5EEJohn R. Koza, Sameer H. Al-Sakran, Lee W. Jones, Greg Manassero: Automated synthesis of a fixed-length loaded symmetric dipole antenna whose gain exceeds that of a commercial antenna and matches the theoretical maximum. GECCO 2007: 2074-2081
4EELee W. Jones, Sameer H. Al-Sakran, John R. Koza: Automated synthesis of a human-competitive solution to the challenge problem of the 2002 international optical design conference by means of genetic programming and a multi-dimensional mutation operation. GECCO 2006: 823-830
3EESameer H. Al-Sakran, John R. Koza, Lee W. Jones: Automated Re-invention of a Previously Patented Optical Lens System Using Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2005: 25-37
2EEJohn R. Koza, Sameer H. Al-Sakran, Lee W. Jones: Cross-Domain Features of Runs of Genetic Programming Used to Evolve Designs for Analog Circuits, Optical Lens Systems, Controllers, Antennas, Mechanical Systems, and Quantum Computing Circuits. Evolvable Hardware 2005: 205-214
1EEJohn R. Koza, Sameer H. Al-Sakran, Lee W. Jones: Automated re-invention of six patented optical lens systems using genetic programming. GECCO 2005: 1953-1960

Coauthor Index

1Lee W. Jones [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2John R. Koza [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Greg Manassero [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)