
Waleed K. Al-Assadi

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4EEWaleed K. Al-Assadi, Sindhu Kakarla: Design for Test of Asynchronous NULL Convention Logic (NCL) Circuits. J. Electronic Testing 25(1): 117-126 (2009)
3 Sager Gosavi, Waleed K. Al-Assadi, Sasikiran Burugapalli: Analysis & Modeling of Substrate Noise in Domino CMOS Circuits. CDES 2008: 195-200
2 Mandar V. Joshi, Waleed K. Al-Assadi: Nanowire Crossbar PLA with Adaptive Variable Redundancy. CDES 2008: 211-217
1EEWaleed K. Al-Assadi, Sindhu Kakarla: A BIST Technique for Crosstalk Noise Detection in FPGAs. DFT 2008: 167-175

Coauthor Index

1Sasikiran Burugapalli [3]
2Sager Gosavi [3]
3Mandar V. Joshi [2]
4Sindhu Kakarla [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)