
Byoungchul Ahn

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5 Seok Jin Byeon, Hyek Seong Kweon, Byoungchul Ahn: A Frequency Smoothing Method for Power Management. ESA 2008: 34-38
4 Kunhye Park, Byoungchul Ahn, Youngmin Park, Chuseock Chang: A History Based Power Management for Portable Multimedia Devices. ESA 2008: 43-46
3 Seon Hwan Kim, Jang Su Park, Byoungchul Ahn: Remote IP Addresses Based Intrusion Detection. Security and Management 2008: 161-164
2EEChonggun Kim, Elmurod Talipov, Byoungchul Ahn: A Reverse AODV Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks. EUC Workshops 2006: 522-531
1 Byoungchul Ahn, Ji-Hoon Kim, Dong Ha Lee, Sang Hoon Lee: A Real Time Scheduling Method for Embedded Multimedia Applications. PSC 2006: 104-107

Coauthor Index

1Seok Jin Byeon [5]
2Chuseock Chang [4]
3Chonggun Kim [2]
4Ji-Hoon Kim [1]
5Seon Hwan Kim [3]
6Hyek Seong Kweon [5]
7Dong Ha Lee [1]
8Sang Hoon Lee [1]
9Jang Su Park [3]
10Kunhye Park [4]
11Youngmin Park [4]
12Elmurod Talipov [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)