
Kondo H. Adjallah

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5EEVidhyacharan Bhaskar, Kondo H. Adjallah: A hybrid closed queuing network approach to model dataflow in networked distributed processors. Computer Communications 31(1): 119-128 (2008)
4EEVidhyacharan Bhaskar, Kondo H. Adjallah: A hybrid open queuing network model approach for multi-threaded dataflow architecture. Computer Communications 31(17): 4098-4106 (2008)
3EEBabiga Birregah, Kondo H. Adjallah, Kofi S. Assiamoua, Prosper K. Doh: Grid systems monitoring and assessment using finite state machines with median symmetry operators. SMC 2007: 741-746
2EEKossi P. Adzakpa, Kondo H. Adjallah, Jay Lee: A new effective heuristic for the intelligent management of the preventive maintenance tasks of the distributed systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics 17(3-4): 151-163 (2003)
1EEA. O. C. Elegbede, Chengbin Chu, Kondo H. Adjallah, Farouk Yalaoui: Reliability allocation through cost minimization. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(1): 106-111 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Kossi P. Adzakpa [2]
2Kofi S. Assiamoua [3]
3Vidhyacharan Bhaskar [4] [5]
4Babiga Birregah [3]
5Chengbin Chu [1]
6Prosper K. Doh [3]
7A. O. C. Elegbede [1]
8Jay Lee [2]
9Farouk Yalaoui [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)