
Annette Aboulafia

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5EEDajie Zhang, Dietrich Albert, Cord Hockemeyer, Dorothy Breen, Zsuzsanna Kulcsár, George Shorten, Annette Aboulafia, Erik Lövquist: Developing Competence Assessment Procedure for Spinal Anaesthesia. CBMS 2008: 397-402
4EEAnnette Aboulafia: Understanding work units and activities - A perspective from general psychsology. Interacting with Computers 20(2): 272-278 (2008)
3 Anker Helms Jørgensen, Annette Aboulafia: Perceptions of design rationale. INTERACT 1995: 61-66
2EESimon Buckingham Shum, Anker Helms Jørgensen, Annette Aboulafia, Nick Hammond: Communicating HCI modelling to practitioners. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 271-272
1EEJanni Nielsen, Annette Aboulafia: Designing user interfaces - the role in intuition and imagination (1992). INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 209-210

Coauthor Index

1Dietrich Albert [5]
2Dorothy Breen [5]
3Nick Hammond [2]
4Cord Hockemeyer [5]
5Anker Helms Jørgensen [2] [3]
6Zsuzsanna Kulcsár [5]
7Erik Lövquist [5]
8Janni Nielsen [1]
9George Shorten [5]
10Simon Buckingham Shum [2]
11Dajie Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)