
Syed Sibte Raza Abidi

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44EESajjad Hussain, Samina Raza Abidi, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Semantic Web Framework for Knowledge-Centric Clinical Decision Support Systems. AIME 2007: 451-455
43EEKatrina F. Hurley, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Ontology Engineering to Model Clinical Pathways: Towards the Computerization and Execution of Clinical Pathways. CBMS 2007: 536-541
42EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Sajjad Hussain: Medical Knowledge Morphing via a Semantic Web Framework. CBMS 2007: 554-562
41EESajjad Hussain, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Ontology Driven CPG Authoring and Execution via a Semantic Web Framework. HICSS 2007: 135
40EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi: Healthcare Knowledge Management: The Art of the Possible. K4CARE 2007: 1-20
39EESelena Davis, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Adaptive Patient Education Framework Featuring Personalized Cardiovascular Risk Management Interventions. AH 2006: 264-268
38EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yan Zeng: An Adaptive Hypermedia System Using a Constraint Satisfaction Approach for Information Personalization. AH 2006: 378-388
37EEZeina Chedrawy, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: An Adaptive Personalized Recommendation Strategy Featuring Context Sensitive Content Adaptation. AH 2006: 61-70
36EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yan Zeng: Intelligent Information Personalization Leveraging Constraint Satisfaction and Association Rule Methods. Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 134-145
35EEZhixin Chen, Michael A. Shepherd, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, G. Allen Finley: Linking Tacit Knowledge in the Pediatric Pain e-Mail Archives and Explicit Knowledge in PubMed. HICSS 2006
34EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yong Han Chong, Yan Zeng: Generating customized yet factually consistent information: a constraint satisfaction approach. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 6(3): 247-259 (2006)
33EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi: Medical Knowledge Morphing: Towards Case-Specific Integration of Heterogeneous Medical Knowledge Resources. CBMS 2005: 208-213
32EEJin Yu, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Paul Habib Artes, Andrew R. McIntyre, Malcolm I. Heywood: Automated Optic Nerve Analysis for Diagnostic Support in Glaucoma. CBMS 2005: 97-102
31EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Micheal Kershaw, Evangelos E. Milios: BiRD: A Strategy to Autonomously Supplement Clinical Practice Guidelines with Related Clinical Studies. HICSS 2005
30EEBrent Jones, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Winston Ying: Using Computerized Clinical Practice Guidelines to Generate Tailored Patient Education Materials. HICSS 2005
29 Zeina Chedrawy, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: An Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Framework Featuring Case Based Reasoning. IC-AI 2005: 286-292
28EEQingshuang Jiang, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: From Clusters to Rules: A Hybrid Framework for Generalized Symbolic Rule Induction. ICMLC 2005: 219-228
27EEZeina Chedrawy, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: An Intelligent Knowledge Sharing Strategy Featuring Item-Based Collaborative Filtering and Case Based Reasoning. ISDA 2005: 67-72
26EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yu-N Cheah, Janet Curran-Smith: A knowledge creation info-structure to acquire and crystallize the tacit knowledge of health-care experts. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 9(2): 193-204 (2005)
25EEAndrew R. McIntyre, Malcolm I. Heywood, Paul Habib Artes, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Toward Glaucoma Classification with Moment Methods. CRV 2004: 265-272
24EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yong Han Chong: Constraint Satisfaction Methods for Information Personalization. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 261-276
23 Zafar Iqbal Hashmi, Yu-N Cheah, Syed Zahid Hassan, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Intelligent Agents-mediated Approach for Experimental Knowledge of Healthcare Enterprise through CBR-adaptation Technique. CITA 2003: 56-60
22EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yong Han Chong: E-healthcare via Customized Information Services: Addressing the Need for Factually Consistent Information. ICSOC 2003: 132-148
21 Chong Yan Han, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yu-N Cheah: Adaptive Hypermedia Systems Featuring Information Customization Using Constraint Satisfaction Methods. ICWI 2003: 333-340
20 Zafar Iqbal Hashmi, Yu-N Cheah, Syed Zahid Hassan, Kee Guan Lim, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Intelligent Agent Modeling and Generic Architecture Towards a Multi-Agent Healthcare Knowledge Management System. ICWI 2003: 941-944
19EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Kok Meng Hoe: Symbolic Exposition of Medical Data-Sets: A Data Mining Workbench to Inductively Derive Data-Defining Symbolic Rules. CBMS 2002: 123-128
18EEZafar Iqbal Hashmi, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yu-N Cheah: An Intelligent Agent-based Knowledge Broker for Enterprise-wide Healthcare Knowledge Procurement. CBMS 2002: 173-178
17EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi: A Case Base Reasoning Framework to Author Personalized Health Maintenance Information. CBMS 2002: 219-224
16EESyed Zahid Hassan Zaidi, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Selvakumar Manickam: Distributed Data Mining From Heterogeneous Healthcare Data Repositories: Towards an Intelligent Agent-Based Framework. CBMS 2002: 339-342
15EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi: Designing Adaptive Hypermedia for Internet Portals: A Personalization Strategy Featuring Case Base Reasoning with Compositional Adaptation. IBERAMIA 2002: 60-69
14EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yong Han Chong, Samina Raza Abidi: An Intelligent Info-Structure for Composing and Pushing Personalised Healthcare Information over the Internet. CBMS 2001: 225-230
13EEYu-N Cheah, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Augmenting Knowledge-Based Medical Systems with Tacit Healthcare Expertise: Towards an Intelligent Tacit Knowledge Acquisition Info-Structure. CBMS 2001: 264-269
12EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Selvakumar Manickam: Augmenting Medical Case Base Reasoning Systems with Clinical Knowledge Derived from Heterogeneous Electronic Patient Records. CBMS 2001: 421-426
11EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Samina Raza Abidi: A Case for Supplementing Evidence Base Medicine with Inductive Clinical Knowledge: Towards a Technology-Enriched Integrated Clinical Evidence System. CBMS 2001: 5-10
10 Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Alwyn Goh: A Web-Enabled Exam Preparation and Evaluation Service: Providing Real-Time Personalized Tests for Academic Enhancement. ICALT 2001: 441-442
9 Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yu-N Cheah: A Knowledge Creation Strategy to Enrich Enterprise Information Systems with Enterprise-Specific Tacit Knowledge. ICEIS (2) 2001: 633-638
8EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Kok Meng Hoe, Alwyn Goh: Analyzing Data Clusters: A Rough Sets Approach to Extract Cluster-Defining Symbolic Rules. IDA 2001: 248-257
7EEYu-N Cheah, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: A Scenarios Mediated Approach for Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Crystallisation: Towards Higher Return-On-Knowledge and Experience. PAKM 2000
6 Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: AI Amidst the Healthcare Revolution: Towards an 'Intelligent' Tele-Healthcare Environment. IC-AI 1999: 172-176
5 Jason Ong, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Data Mining Using Self-Organizing Kohonen Maps: A Technique for Effective Data Clustering & Visualization. IC-AI 1999: 261-264
4 Alwyn Goh, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Re-Visiting Backpropagation Network Optimization: Towards Maximally Pruned Networks. IC-AI 1999: 565-570
3 Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Alwyn Goh: Applying Knowledge Discovery to Predict Infectious Disease Epidemics. PRICAI 1998: 170-181
2 Syed Sibte Raza Abidi: Internet Information Brokering: A Re-Configurable Database Navigation, Data Filter and Export System. Informatica (Slovenia) 21(2): (1997)
1EESyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Khrushid Ahmad: Conglomerate'Neural Network Architectures: The Way Ahead for Simulating Early Language Development. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 13(2): 235-266 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Samina Raza Abidi [11] [14] [44]
2Khrushid Ahmad [1]
3Paul Habib Artes [25] [32]
4Yu-N Cheah [7] [9] [13] [18] [20] [21] [23] [26]
5Zeina Chedrawy [27] [29] [37]
6Zhixin Chen [35]
7Yong Han Chong [14] [22] [24] [34]
8Janet Curran-Smith [26]
9Selena Davis [39]
10G. Allen Finley [35]
11Alwyn Goh [3] [4] [8] [10]
12Chong Yan Han [21]
13Zafar Iqbal Hashmi [18] [20] [23]
14Syed Zahid Hassan [20] [23]
15Malcolm I. Heywood [25] [32]
16Kok Meng Hoe [8] [19]
17Katrina F. Hurley [43]
18Sajjad Hussain [41] [42] [44]
19Qingshuang Jiang [28]
20Brent Jones [30]
21Micheal Kershaw [31]
22Kee Guan Lim [20]
23Selvakumar Manickam [12] [16]
24Andrew R. McIntyre [25] [32]
25Evangelos E. Milios [31]
26Jason Ong [5]
27Michael A. Shepherd [35]
28Winston Ying [30]
29Jin Yu [32]
30Syed Zahid Hassan Zaidi [16]
31Yan Zeng [34] [36] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)