Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs.

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Divesh Srivastava, S. Sudarshan: Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs. VLDB 1990: 359-371
  author    = {Raghu Ramakrishnan and
               Divesh Srivastava and
               S. Sudarshan},
  editor    = {Dennis McLeod and
               Ron Sacks-Davis and
               Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
  title     = {Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs},
  booktitle = {16th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August
               13-16, 1990, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year      = {1990},
  isbn      = {1-55860-149-X},
  pages     = {359-371},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/RamakrishnanSS90.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/90},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Logic programs can be evaluated bottom-up by repeatedly applying all rules, in"iterations", until the fixpoint is reached. However, it is often desirable - and in some cases, e.g. programs with stratified negation, even necessary to guarantee the semantics - to apply the rules in some order.

An important property of a fixpoint evaluation algorithm is that it does not repeat inferences; we say that such algorithms have the semi-naive property. The semi-naive algorithms in the literature do not address the issue of how toapply rules in a specified order while retaining the semi- naive property. We present two algorithms; one (GSN) is capable of dealing with a wide range of rule orderings but with a little more overhead than the usual semi-naive algorithm (which we call BSN). The other (OSN, and a variant, PSN) handles a smaller class of rule orderings,but with no overheads beyond those in BSN. This smaller class is sufficiently powerful to enforce the ordering required to implement stratified programs.

We demonstrate that rule orderings can offer another important benefit: by choosing a good ordering, we can reduce the number of rule applications (and thusjoins). We present a theoretical analysis of rule orderings. In particular, we identify a class of orderings, called cycle-preserving orderings, that minimize the number of rule applications (for all possible instances of the base relations) with respect to a class of orderings called fair orderings. We also show that while non-fair orderings may do a little better on some datasets, they can do much worse on others; this suggests that it is advisable to consider only fair orderings in the absence of additional information that could guide the choice of a non-fair ordering.

We conclude by presenting performance results that bear out our theoretical analyses.

Copyright © 1990 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

Online Paper

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Dennis McLeod, Ron Sacks-Davis, Hans-Jörg Schek (Eds.): 16th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 13-16, 1990, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Proceedings. Morgan Kaufmann 1990, ISBN 1-55860-149-X

Journal Version

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Divesh Srivastava, S. Sudarshan: Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(4): 501-517(1994) BibTeX


Isaac Balbin, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: A Generalization of the Differential Approach to Recursive Query Evaluation. J. Log. Program. 4(3): 259-262(1987) BibTeX
Isaac Balbin, Graeme S. Port, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Krishnamurthy Meenakshi: Efficient Bottom-UP Computation of Queries on Stratified Databases. J. Log. Program. 11(3&4): 295-344(1991) BibTeX
Richard Helm: Inductive and Deductive Control of Logic Programs. ICLP 1987: 488-512 BibTeX
Robert Kabler, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Michael J. Carey: Performance evaluation of algorithms for transitive closure. Inf. Syst. 17(5): 415-441(1992) BibTeX
Juhani Kuittinen, Otto Nurmi, Seppo Sippu, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen: Efficient Implementation of Loops in Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Queries. VLDB 1990: 372-379 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Jayen Vaghani, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, David B. Kemp, Zoltan Somogyi, Peter J. Stuckey, Tim S. Leask, James Harland: The Aditi Deductive Database System. VLDB J. 3(2): 245-288(1994)
  2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Divesh Srivastava, S. Sudarshan, Praveen Seshadri: The CORAL Deductive System. VLDB J. 3(2): 161-210(1994)
  3. S. Sudarshan, Divesh Srivastava, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Jeffrey F. Naughton: Space Optimization in the Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 68-77
  4. Jayen Vaghani, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, David B. Kemp, Zoltan Somogyi, Peter J. Stuckey: Design Overview of the Aditi Deductive Database System. ICDE 1991: 240-247
  5. Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: The Aditi Deductive Database System (Extented Abstract). DASFAA 1991: 201-208
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