Design of a Reusable IR Framework.
Gabriele Sonnenberger, Hans-Peter Frei:
Design of a Reusable IR Framework.
SIGIR 1995: 49-57@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigir/SonnenbergerF95,
author = {Gabriele Sonnenberger and
Hans-Peter Frei},
editor = {Edward A. Fox and
Peter Ingwersen and
Raya Fidel},
title = {Design of a Reusable IR Framework},
booktitle = {SIGIR'95, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR
Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.
Seattle, Washington, USA, July 9-13, 1995 (Special Issue of
the SIGIR Forum)},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1995},
isbn = {0-89791-714-6},
pages = {49-57},
ee = {db/conf/sigir/SonnenbergerF95.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/sigir/95},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
In this paper, we describe the design of a reusable IR framework, called FIRE, that is being implemented to facilitate the development of IR systems.
In addition, FIRE is designed to support the experimental evalutation of both indexing and retrieval techniques.
First, we discuss the development of reusable software in the IR domain and derive essential criteria for the design of an IR framework.
Next we sketch the object model developed for FIRE.
We present the basic concepts and their modeling and show how the components interact when performing indexing and retrieval tasks.
Copyright © 1995 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
this notice on the first page or initial screen of
a display along with the full citation.
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Printed Edition
Edward A. Fox, Peter Ingwersen, Raya Fidel (Eds.):
SIGIR'95, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Seattle, Washington, USA, July 9-13, 1995 (Special Issue of the SIGIR Forum).
ACM Press 1995, ISBN 0-89791-714-6
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Referenced by
- Jun Sekine, Atsushi Kitai, Yoshihito Ooshima, Yasuhiro Oohara:
A Data Model for Customizing DB Schemas Based on Business Policies.
ER 1997: 198-214
- Gabriele Sonnenberger:
Exploiting the Functionality of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems for Information Retrieval.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 19(1): 14-23(1996)
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