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Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)

Knowledge Systems Institute

20. SEKE 2008: San Francisco, USA

Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2008), San Francisco, CA, USA, July 1-3, 2008. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School 2008, ISBN 1-891706-22-5
Contents BibTeX

19. SEKE 2007: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2007), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 9-11, 2007. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School 2007, ISBN 1-891706-20-9
Contents BibTeX

18. SEKE 2006: San Francisco, CA, USA

Kang Zhang, George Spanoudakis, Giuseppe Visaggio (Eds.): Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2006), San Francisco, CA, USA, July 5-7, 2006. 2006, ISBN 1-891706-18-7
Contents BibTeX

17. SEKE 2005: Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

William C. Chu, Natalia Juristo Juzgado, W. Eric Wong (Eds.): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2005), Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, July 14-16, 2005. 2005, ISBN 1-891706-16-0
Contents BibTeX

16. SEKE 2004: Banff, Anbert, Canada

Frank Maurer, Günther Ruhe (Eds.): Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2004), Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 20-24, 2004. 2004, ISBN 1-891706-14-4
Contents BibTeX - SEKE 2004 Home Page

13. SEKE 2003: San Francisco, California, USA

Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2003), Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, July 1-3, 2003. 2003
Contents BibTeX - SEKE 2003 Home Page

14. SEKE 2002: Ischia, Italy

Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and knowledge engineering, July 15-19, 2002, Ischia, Italy. ACM, 2002
Contents - SEKE 2002 Home Page

13. SEKE 2001: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2001), Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 13-15, 2001. 2001
Contents BibTeX - SEKE 2001 Home Page

12. SEKE 2000: Chicago, IL, USA

SEKE 2000 Home Page

11. SEKE 1999: Kaiserslautern, Germany

Günther Ruhe, Frank Bomarius (Eds.): Learning Software Organizations, Methodology and Applications, 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE'99, Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 16-19, 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1756 Springer 2000, ISBN 3-540-41430-4
Contents BibTeX

10. SEKE 1998: San Francisco Bay, CA, USA

SEKE 1998 Home Page

9. SEKE 1997: Madrid, Spain

SEKE 1997 Home Page

8. SEKE 1996: Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

The 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE '96, June 10-12, 1996, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA. Knowledge Systems Institute, 1996, ISBN 0-9641699-3-2

7. SEKE 1995: Rockville, Maryland, USA

SEKE'95, The 7th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 22-24, 1995, Rockville, Maryland, USA, Proceedings. Knowledge Systems Institute 1995
Contents BibTeX

6. SEKE 1994: Jurmala, Latvia

SEKE'94, The 6th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 21-23, 1994, Jurmala, Latvia. Knowledge Systems Institute 1994
Contents BibTeX

5. SEKE 1993: San Francisco, CA, USA

SEKE'93, The 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Tutorials, June 14-15, 1993, Technical Program, June 16-18, 1993, Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, USA. Knowledge Systems Institute 1993
Contents BibTeX

4. SEKE 1992: Capri, Italy

SEKE'92, The 4th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June, 15-20 1992, Capri, Italy. Knowledge Systems Institute 1992
Contents BibTeX

2. SEKE 1990: Skokie, USA

SEKE'90, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Skokie, USA, June 21-23, 1990. Knowledge Systems Institute 1990
Contents BibTeX

1. SEKE 1989: Skokie, USA

SEKE'89, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Skokie, USA, June 15-16, 1989. Knowledge Systems Institute 1989
Contents BibTeX

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:37:29 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)