Measuring Infinite Relations.
Jan Chomicki, Gabriel M. Kuper:
Measuring Infinite Relations.
PODS 1995: 78-85@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pods/ChomickiK95,
author = {Jan Chomicki and
Gabriel M. Kuper},
title = {Measuring Infinite Relations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium
on Principles of Database Systems, May 22-25, 1995, San Jose,
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1995},
isbn = {0-89791-730-8},
pages = {78-85},
ee = {, db/conf/pods/ChomickiK95.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/pods/95},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
We define a new aggregation operator mu_n for constraint databases
that makes it possible to measure infinite subsets of the
n-dimensional space defined by constraints. We show that it is well
defined for real linear arithmetic constraints and integer linear
arithmetic constraints together with periodicity constraints. We also
show that relational algebra augmented with µn is closed in the
real case and, under certain restrictions, in the integer case as
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Printed Edition
Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, May 22-25, 1995, San Jose, California.
ACM Press 1995, ISBN 0-89791-730-8
Contents BibTeX
[Index Terms]
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- Paris C. Kanellakis, Gabriel M. Kuper, Peter Z. Revesz:
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- [TCR94]
- David Toman, Jan Chomicki, David S. Rogers:
Datalog with Integer Periodicity Constraints.
SLP 1994: 189-203 BibTeX
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Referenced by
- Michael Benedikt, Leonid Libkin:
Exact and Approximate Aggregation in Constraint Query.
PODS 1999: 102-113
- Peter Z. Revesz:
Safe Query Languages for Constraint Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 23(1): 58-99(1998)
- Alberto Belussi, Elisa Bertino, Barbara Catania:
An Extended Algebra for Constraint Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(5): 686-705(1998)
- Peter Z. Revesz:
Model-Theoretic Minimal Chenge Operators for Constraint Databases.
ICDT 1997: 447-460
- Stéphane Grumbach, Jianwen Su:
Towards Practical Constraint Databases.
PODS 1996: 28-39
- Jan Chomicki, Dina Q. Goldin, Gabriel M. Kuper:
Variable Independence and Aggregation Closure.
PODS 1996: 40-48
- Paris C. Kanellakis:
Constraint Programming and Database Languages: A Tutorial.
PODS 1995: 46-53
- Peter Z. Revesz:
Datalog Queries of Set Constraint Databases.
ICDT 1995: 425-438
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