Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert (Eds.):
Informatics in Higher Education, Views on informatics and non-informatics curricula, IFIP TC3/WG3.2 International Conference on Informatics (computer science) as a Discipline and in Other Disciplines: waht is common? 17-20 August 1997, Enschede, The Netherlands.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 128 Chapman & Hall 1998, ISBN 0-412-80790-4 BibTeX
editor = {Fred Mulder and
Tom J. van Weert},
title = {Informatics in Higher Education, Views on informatics and non-informatics
curricula, IFIP TC3/WG3.2 International Conference on Informatics
(computer science) as a Discipline and in Other Disciplines:
waht is common? 17-20 August 1997, Enschede, The Netherlands},
booktitle = {Informatics in Higher Education},
publisher = {Chapman {\&} Hall},
series = {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
volume = {128},
year = {1998},
isbn = {0-412-80790-4},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Discussion papers
Full papers
- Lillian N. Cassel:
Computing and education at the university level.
29-42 BibTeX
- Charles Duchâteau:
Teaching informatics to nonprofessionals: why, what and how.
43-53 BibTeX
- Helen Geissinger, P. Ho, Kenneth Arthur Robinson:
Informatics: the core and the presentation.
54-63 BibTeX
- Gopal K. Gupta:
Teaching introductory computer science as a science of information.
64-72 BibTeX
- Peter Juliff:
Marketing programming to nonprogrammers.
73-82 BibTeX
- Doris K. Lidtke, Michael C. Mulder:
Meeting the needs of industry: a bold new curriculum in informatic science.
83-96 BibTeX
- Fred Mulder, A. E. N. Hacquebard:
Specifying and comparing informatics curricula through UCSIR.
97-110 BibTeX
- H. Ohiwa, N. Takahashi, Tsurayuki Kado:
Computer science education in Japanese universities.
111-119 BibTeX
- Kenneth Arthur Robinson:
Computer science education at the cross-roads.
120-126 BibTeX
- Russell L. Shackelford, Richard J. LeBlanc:
Introduction to computing: a course in computer science fundamentals.
127-138 BibTeX
- Don Sheridan, David White:
Representing a body of knowledge for teaching, learning and assessment.
139-147 BibTeX
- A. Joe Turner:
Trends in teaching informatics. .
148-155 BibTeX
- P. J. T. van der Kamp:
European informatics, skills structure (EISS).
156-167 BibTeX
- H. van Leeuwen, D. Smeets:
Profiles of informatics graduates as demanded by the market.
168-178 BibTeX
- J. J. G. van Merriënboer, Elisabeth M. A. G. van Dijk:
Use and misuse of taxonomies of learning: integrated educational goals in computer science curricula.
179-189 BibTeX
- Tom J. van Weert:
Informatics and informatics professionals: a conceptual framework.
190-202 BibTeX
- Roland Vollmar, Jozef Gruska:
Informatics in curricula for noninformaticsstudents: engineering and science.
203-211 BibTeX
- Stanislaw Waligórski:
Informatics for noninformatics.
212-216 BibTeX
- H. Wupper, H. Meijer:
A taxonomy for computer science.
217-230 BibTeX
Short papers
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by Michael Ley (